A Right and Proper Currency Symbol for SBD: $Đ

in #steemit-ideas8 years ago (edited)

various currencies
USD: $
RUB: ₽
EUR: €
JPY: ¥
GBP: £
INR: ₹
KRW: ₩
KHR: ៛

Sure, many systems have a single symbol, but not all. The Brasil Real, for example, uses R$.

The symbols $ & Đ are already available for use meaning we don't have to wait to get added to the list of ISO 4217 Currency Codes. Bitcoin is still waiting.

Also, it looks like SD. Using an s-like symbol to represent an S instead of a Dollar!? Madness! So mad, it just might work?

But most importantly, I think when talking about SP, steem, $Đ, and USD it can be confusing to just use $. Do you mean USD? Appx. USD value of a post? Steem-backed dollars? This will make it more obvious and clear.

What do you guys think about ? Let me know in the comments!

Edit: I was about to use this symbol in a transfer memo and it occurred to me that some places put the symbol before the numeral, others place it after. As a compromise, I further submit that we place the currency symbol in the decimal place as is apparently the custom in French Quebec, France, Cape Verde, and Portugal. Twenty-eight point six-five steem dollars would thus be 28$Đ65.

I'm not married to this point of contention.

Edit: To answer @modernbukowski's question more properly, there are three ways to input Đ. On a PC: Alt+0270. On Windows 10 or any mobile device long-press D. Alternatively, you can copypasta. I think you use Option+L then D on a Mac, but it has 15 years since I stopped using Macs. Can someone test this for me?

See also @roelandp's recent article Proposing an Unicode supported symbol for Steem: ȿ

Image sustainably sourced from https://pixabay.com/.

I think some more work will need to be done... the dashed D is almost exactly a Dash D symbol, I think that actually, just an S with triple, wiggly bars would do. Also, the currency really is not Steem Dollars, that is a derivative, as also is Steem Power. In fact, the Steem logo itself would be ok as a currency symbol, really.

I would support the SteemIt logo or being used as the currency symbol for steem. But the main reason I see a need for a is to reduce confusion among newbies and people who aren't interested in learning about crypto, but would still use it—IOW, the average end-user. There is a currency called "steem," another called "steem dollars," and yet another called "(US) dollars." This can be confusing for end-users. Also, SBD is, of course the tracker used on exchanges, but $Đ would be used on things like Peerhub.
Also, yeah, we could create new symbols, but it takes a long time to get these added to ISO 4217.

the dashed D is almost exactly a Dash D symbol

Sorry, I don't know what you mean.


Personally, I like the tickers used in forex. 100USD, 5000EUR, and for steem, 100SD. But for Steem itself... that arabic looking symbol looks like a good candidate. But too much like a steaming pancake.

I think there's been a slight miscommunication. Currencies have exchange symbols, e.g. USD, and currency symbols, e.g. $. These two things have completely different uses and purposes. I'm in favor of SBD & , respectively.

Interesting about Dash. I found out dogecoin uses the Đ as well. But no one else uses $Đ. 😊

Oh, and ♨ is the onsen, or hot springs, emoji. You often see it at Japanese hot springs, maps, etc.

Like the idea in general. Regardless of what letters or symbol we use, the official recognition will be valuable.

This is genius, I have no idea how to do dashed D with my keyboard, but looks slick.

Copypaste? 😜
On any virtual keyboard (which is built into Win10) you can longpress D to get it.

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