Ken's Half-Baked Ideas #5 - A Followers Feed

in #steemit-ideas7 years ago

Too much information. Too fast. This is the first problem.

The second problem - this information flow spills over, creating a murky swamp of new ideas that I write down, but never have time to fully flesh out.

The solution - put the ideas on Steemit before they're "finished," - drain the swamp - and let other Steemians play with the ideas they think are worth playing with.

So here's this post's Half-Baked Idea (drumroll):

We have a feed that shows posts from people we are following. How about a feed that shows posts from people that follow us?

I vote for the Steemers I follow, but I hardly ever vote for people who follow me. Many I follow back so they might be in my feed, but the more followers you have the harder it is to remember who they are. Or how about some indication in our feed of who is following us? Highlighted or colored posts? A "follows you" blurb?

This would make it easy to see which of your followers are posting stuff you're interested in and follow them back.

If you think this idea has potential, feel free to expand on it and post to your own Steemit blog.

Until next time , Sayonara, Adios, and something else I forgot.


Interesting. Maybe a memory technique for that could do the trick. I also want to improve remembering who everyone is. I will think about a good system and write a post about that.

Cool. Let me know what you come up with. Hopefully run into you on the Steemit Discord again soon.

Yeah, I hope so too. :)

I'm new here but your idea makes sense! がんばって

Thanks. 日本人ですか?

Wait, never mind. Didn't realize we'd talked before.

Oh wait, no we haven't. Different Buj guy.

Do you know David Dow or Ben Warren? Used to train with them both when I lived in SoCal.

It is an excellent idea. I will follow you because you are smart and your ideas are great!

plz follow me ^_^

Please produce original content that I'm interested in following.