Is steemit a site for minors?

Whenever I see a post with contained sexual, I wonder if this content should be in a place where children can enter, some time ago I did a post related to this topic, asking if the pornography is a place for Steemit. But now I am going to change my question, is steemit a site  for minors? 

Steemit is a place where it is possible to share any type of thing, already be sexual,  drugs ... but in addition it is a place where it is possible to gain money. 

It is like to leave a child to enter a sexshop or a house of games without putting any impediment. And then they me arise you ask...

Should the access of the minors be controlled? 


Would there be necessary to put a check of age? 

Also it might restrict the content " for adults " for the persons who check his age. 

In the post there might be a cabin to mark if it has sexual  content and like that  restrict this content. 

I would like to know your opinion in the matter, if they were your children those who enter to steemit you would see it well?


#steem #life #people #steemit


The site is still in beta. Give them time to ad options to filter adult content or not.

One thing to keep in mind if your worried about kids seeing stuff they shouldn't. They can just open up another site and click yes I'm 18 and see anything they want to. A site should not try to be a parent to kids browsing the internet parents should be parents.

I have encouraged my 13 yro to sign up. It's a great intro to social media. Yes there is some stuff that's a bit out there but nothing that can't be seen or sourced from Other online locations. We discuss what posts he's seen and his thoughts on a daily basis.

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