"Follow Your Star"

in #steemit-help6 years ago (edited)

Sebastian Fröhlich.jpg

I know it is a metaphor,
People really do need a
Star to guide them.

We need a goal, a
‘Wished for Destination’
Upon which to set our eyes.

We are
Afraid of the unknowns in front of us,
Yet we
Need to move forward, because to not do
So, is to stagnate.

It is alright to stay in
One Place,
Because growth happens
In many different ways.

You can be
In the same job, same house, with
The same partner, and still keep
Growing, learning new things.

Keep looking,
Metaphorically Speaking.

Keep following
Your STAR,
Keep looking
For the best in people,

It is the important to
Find that good in
Believe Me,
It IS there.

“Follow your Star”

Jerry E Smith

Orange Star Decoration

I don't know what is going on here.

All morning, I've had to center my images, which
Appear smaller than normal
(everything is working Fine in Weku)
And the .gif is not appearing as an image, but
That funky thumbnail thing
(again, all is normal in Weku)

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


Actually I am having those issues mostly in Weku, but not exclusively. I’m just as baffled.

That gif that isn't showing here, should be like this (not a static image though)

I just changed it to this

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