CANCER? what will you do? what will you ask?

in #steemit-health7 years ago (edited)

That is the question

If you get cancer, where will you turn for treatment?
One option is Chemotherapy, which I hear is refused by 75% of doctors, and works only 2-3% of the time on a 5 year survival rate?
I heard You don't want to spill chemotherapy agent on your skin
It's toxic/poison? Burn !
What if it does leek from injection site ?
It's expensive- costing
Hundreds of thousands!!
Many of the cancer patients go bankrupt. Their insurance would pay 80 percent, and they say I'm covered, not realizing that the first chemotherapy treatment was going to be $30,000. And their 20 percent added up pretty quick, because there were 10 more chemotherapy on the horizon.
Is this treatment effective?
Describe Effective?
Will this treatment cause inflammation?
Will it cause more harm than good?
Will it have Crazy side effects?
What side effects might I have?
Will I need to have Fundraisers to cover expenses?
Has this CUT BURN POISON approach advanced in the past 30 years?
Can you give me studies that show that what therapy you're recommending will improve my quality of life?
Will you show me studies that if I take this, chemotherapy, radiation, whatever they're offering, can you show me a study that I will live longer than if I do nothing?
Will this treatment aid in Angiogenesis?
Is this treatment a byproduct of mustard gas?
Will this treatment kill the cancer stem cells or just the daughter cells?
Is there any way I can target the cancer stem cells?
If my tumor shrinks does that mean the treatment was effective?
Would you use this treatment on yourself or a family member?
What is a false positive?
Should I get a second opinion?
Is there anything I can take to help with the side effects?
What should I eat?
Will I still be able to eat?
Will I be able to sleep at night?
Will my hair fall out ? Why?
What should I avoid?
Should I check my ph?
Should I quit eating sugar?
Should I try and lower my insulin levels?
What about high dose vitamin C?
What about Black cumin seed oil? (Nigella Sativa).
Is there any preventative measures I can take so it doesn't come back?
What if it comes back ?
Was your treatment effective If it comes back ?


It remains important for all practitioners integrating natural agents in oncology to not only follow the “Do no harm” rule but also to acknowledge “the healing power of nature” and remember the goal of prevention.

Signed ~ Informed Consent


Find supplements with Frankincense in them. Stop eating processed sugar (buy raw if you have to have it). Eat as few processed foods as possible. I beat it twice!

Agree. And would also take: daily turmeric, daily MSM sulphur, D3, 2 table spoons of diffetent herbs each day.

Here an interview with Bharat Aggarwal, Prof. for cancer research at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas

Turmeric every day (the guy I take care of bought in bulk lol- I think we have about 2 dozen bottles). There's a great website called Stop Aging Now that has great supplements- I also take prostate pills (sucks being 72). My doctor gave me meds for my prostate... the first side effect- DEATH! Guess where they went!

Ty ,have you ever heard of AgO3 silver ozone ?

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