Natural Ways to Fight Inflammation

Hey everyone. Today I will be doing a series of posts that deal with ways to naturally fight inflammation. Lots of people do not realize that many of our health problems are derived from inflammation in the body. Let food be your medicine. I will be discussing natural ways to beat the inflammation, instead of having to turn to pills or pain killers. Lets get to it.

Inflammation at the Root of Most Diseases -

In today's society, people are looking for the quick cure. If we are feeling pain, often people will turn to NSAIDs to deal with the pain...this includes over the counter pills such as Ibuprofen or Advil. NSAIDs will help with inflammation, however they could lead to side effects in the body such as leaky gut, bleeding ulcers, and even renal issues. Why bother with these side effects when we can turn to mother nature for the cure?

Today I will be discussing one food that can be used as medicine for inflammation. That food is Turmeric. Turmeric is a golden plant that is ground from rhizomes of a plant related to ginger. It is a staple in Ayuverdic medicine. The active ingredient that makes turmeric so special is curcumin. Studies have shown that using turmeric can be just as effective as using ibuprofen in reducing pain of osteoarthritis in the knee. However, do not expect a quick cure. Like using many botanicals, it can take up to 2 months of use in order to start seeing and feeling results. In capsule form, take 750 to 1,500 mg daily. Many practitioners also suggest topical creams containing curcumin.

Health Benefits: Turmeric Benefits For Health

If you decide to give turmeric a try, you should also take some black pepper along with it. This will help the body more easily absorb the beneficial curcumin. Well there you have it for now. Be on the lookout for my next post, which will contain more ways to naturally beat inflammation. Thanks for stopping by.


Turmeric is excellent for your body and I have used it for inflammation. It works really well if used daily.

Thank You for sharing this awesome information👍👍👍

I pretty much take turmeric everyday myself. I believe it makes a big difference. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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