Between marijuana and Aceh

in #steemit-health7 years ago

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa syn Cannabis indica) is a plant producing fiber, but more commonly known as psychotropic drugs because of the content of tetrahydrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) which can make the wearer euphoric. Marijuana plants are usually made into marijuana cigarettes.
Based on historical reviews, cannabis plants were first discovered in mainland China in 2737 BC. Ancient Chinese society has known and used marijuana in everyday life since the stone age. Chinese people use marijuana for woven clothing, medicines, and healing therapies such as rheumatic diseases, abdominal pain, beri-beri to malaria.
BY its history, marijuana was brought to Aceh from India in the late 19th century when the Dutch opened a coffee plantation in the Gayo Highlands. The invaders used marijuana as a natural remedy to avoid the attack of coffee tree pests or caterpillars on tobacco plants. Although the Dutch took him to the highlands of Aceh, but according to the facts, the plant does not mean entirely derived from his country. Could be this plant is collected from other Asian mainland. Among the young people of the archipelago, more familiar marijuana is called bakong ijo, gelek, cimeng or rasta. While other cool designations are tampee, pot, weed, dope.
Marijuana, that's what everyone will say when talking about Aceh, a rich earth with natural resources ranging from petroleum, natural gas and much more to the bones of a province known as the Veranda of Mecca. Even in the days of DOM (Military Operation Area) first, there are many stories or events that escape from the media both print and television. However, the iconic Aceh as a ganja barn has never been crushed until now.
After many years and sprouting almost throughout Aceh, marijuana began to be consumed, primarily made up of 'good cigarettes,' which is slowly becoming a tradition in Aceh. Even if there is a dish, it is considered not perfect if the marinade is not mixed with cannabis seeds. This tradition is difficult to remove or eradicate.
Problem marijuana, certainly not missed Aceh. But the claim can not necessarily be greeted negatively, because it is true. There is even a claim that this rencong ground is also known as the largest marijuana producer in Southeast Asia after Thailand. Almost every inch of Aceh is decorated with marijuana plants. Inevitably, the Aceh issue as a producer of this magic plant has even been worldwide. To the 49th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs on 13-17 March 2006 in Vienna Austria, was also discussed about this phenomenon. It is said again the international community's assumption that Aceh already has a trade mark as the largest 'cannabis' as well as top-quality cannabis suppliers.

The proliferation of marijuana plants in Aceh is strongly supported by geographical conditions, fertile soils, regular rain, and mountainous positions with relatively stable climates, plus isolation due to conflicts since the Dutch era, DI-TII until the era of GAM. Well, people in remote areas are threatened by hunger and poverty due to the conflict. Residents took the initiative to grow marijuana to survive.
Why is marijuana prohibited? This is what the public should understand. Though various campaigns have been done, even the government itself has issued a law on the prohibition of the production process, distribution until the stage of consumption of marijuana. Law no. 22 1997 about narcotics classifying marijuana; Seeds, fruit, straw, processed or part of cannabis plants including marijuana resin and the results as a class I drug which means a class with opium and cocaine.

Article 82 paragraph 1 point a of the Act stipulates that importing, exporting, offering for sale, distributing, selling, buying, handing, receiving, intermediary in buying and selling or exchanging narcotics of Group I, shall be subject to capital punishment or life imprisonment, Or a maximum imprisonment of twenty years and a maximum fine of one billion rupiah.

The impression of Aceh as a potentially negative connotation field has indeed tarnished us all in the eyes of the International. To overcome this, it takes the involvement of all elements of society. Starting from the government, scholars, intellectuals law enforcement officers to parents.


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