Four Supplements That Changed My Life

in #steemit-health7 years ago (edited)

I have several medical illnesses (fibromyalgia, major depressive disorder, general anxiety disorder) although I've improved some of these with prescription medications and some with meditation and self-help books and practices, I never found the last piece of the puzzle after trying probably over 20 supplements - until I tried these.

A chronic invisible illness like fibro impacts my life every single day. Even on my good days I still never feel like I did before I got diagnosed at 19. I used to go to school from 7:30-2:30 then work from 3:30 to close and do my homework, now each of those things feels like a chore. I just don't have the energy like I used to. My social anxiety is much better but sometimes anxiety in general gets the best of me, I took Xanax and no matter the dosage I was out of it and wouldn't remember things I had said, I took Valium it made me fall asleep, I took Klonopin and it worked for a few months before even at the highest dose I felt no relief.


So here are the three all natural supplements that changed my life for the better:

  • Spirulina:

Spirulina is a type of algae that grows in both fresh and salt water. From my own research and trials I recommend Spirulina Pacifica, this is a specific strain that has been studied to extra/unique enzymes since this strain grows in Hawaii. Most other brands are from India and are not as high quality and are harder to find information about the conditions and handling that might contaminate it or make it less effective.

I personally take it in tablet form instead of powder. Since taking Spirulina Pacifica my energy levels have increased, I feel much healthier and I don't have any digestive issues (it works better than any probiotic I've tried.) It's also a natural anti-inflammatory which helps with my fibro.

As a vegetarian I like that it's very high in protein (2 grams per serving of the tablets I use) and includes Vitamin A, Vitamin K-1 & K-2 as well as Vitamin B-12. It is also an antioxidant (Phycocyanin) and can help remove arsenic and other harmful toxins from the body. It has also been shown in studies to possibly help prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and decrease your chances of heart disease.

  • Citicoline (trademark named Cognizin):

Citicoline is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that helps with brain function. It has been shown to be helpful with preventing memory loss, improving focus, and improving memory in those who have memory issues. I have ADHD as well and find it to be beneficial to me for that as well as it has improved my "fibro fog" which is a symptom a fibromyalgia that creates memory issues in some patients.

  • Brahmi (bacopa):

I mostly use this for my anxiety and it works better than any prescription I have tried. It is an ancient herb used for sharpening brain functioning, reducing anxiety and improving memory. "In a 2008 study of 48 dementia-free older adults (ages 65 and up), researchers found that 12 weeks of treatment with bacopa (at a dose of 300 mg per day) led to significant improvements in memory, depression, anxiety, and heart rate." (

  • Lithium

Did you know that you can purchase low dose lithium at vitamin shops or on Amazon? Lithium has a bad reputation as a supplement because most people associate with with bipolar disorder and the mental illness stigma. It is a treatment for bipolar disorder but it also is likely good for the general population as well. I take a low dose lithium I bought of Amazon and it has helped my depression a lot, my family had no idea I was taking it and commented that I seemed to be doing much better mentally and physically.

" Evidence is slowly accumulating that relatively tiny doses of lithium can have beneficial effects. They appear to decrease suicide rates significantly and may even promote brain health and improve mood. Yet despite the studies demonstrating the benefits of relatively high natural lithium levels present in the drinking water of certain communities, few seem to be aware of its potential." (


Spirulina works! :)

It really does! It's a total game changer.

Those are great supplements especially spirulina. I did not know about lithium though :)

I didn't either, my fiancee actually told me about it and I was hesitant until I did the research for myself, my psychiatrist just recently read that article too, it's definitely seen as something only people with a serious mental illness should take but from my experience it's definitely not true. Both parts aren't true there are are a lot of people with bipolar disorder that you would never guess had it, my psychiatrist isn't sure if I have bipolar 2 or if some of it is just symptoms of ADHD (I'm a mess lol) but either way lithium has helped me and other people I know who haven't been diagnosed with any mental illnesses.

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