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I was listening to my radio as they were talking about these and i decided to bring it here so we could share our own views and also learn from it.

From Wikipedia:

Cohabitation is an arrangement where two people who are not married live together. They often involve a romantic and/or sexually intimate relationship on a long-term or permanent basis.

We live in a world where cohabiting is the order of the day.

And people that get involved in it, do so comfortably.

We all are entitled to our opinion on this.

The radio presenter brought up a scenario of a lady that was always beaten up and frustrated by the man she was cohabiting with and she had children for the guy already.

And we were asked to share our opinions on what could be done in such situation.

Personally i would say the lady can walk away especially if she's financially capable to take very good care of her kids.

If not then probably she would have to endure for the sake of her kids (mothers sacrifice a lot for their children though)

Women should also note that cohabiting doesn't give them equal right as when they are properly married.

Even most marriages are collapsing this days talk more of cohabiting which is not a defined relationship.

Permit me say that cohabiting is a relationship built on a wrong foundation.

When a man and a woman come to live together because of the feelings they have for each, they tend to get overwhelmed and forget about the most important things that matter.

Whence their was no initial agreement, anything can happen and it could just end anyday and the woman may be so unlucky to have children she alone may not be able to take care of.

A proverb says "When purpose is not known abuse is inevitable".

Some go into cohabitation as a test for each other's compatibility before marriage.

But then that is never a guarantee for a successful marriage.

There may not be lack commitment of commitment or total commitment in the relationship.

Cohabiting has it's negative effects and only a healthy communication as a tool can help curb the negative effects.

I would encourage having healthy relationships that has a defined purpose and direction.

This is my 2Kobo!

I am @cherylsonty!

Feel free to comment your opinions. Thanks


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But what if the purpose of their cohabitation is to pray every night?

Just thinking out loud.

If is for prayers then the church is the best place, attend prayer nights and vigils

Great Post! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing! You got $1 upvotes from me!

Thanks ma'am, you are a rare gem!

To me, cohabiting isnt right. The woman mostly comes out the loser in such.

Research has also found that over half of couples that cohabit do not end up together.

If you must live together, nothing stops you both from ding the right thing

Cohabitation is just a way to avoid the full commitment of marriage. Should it fail, I owe you nothing - you go your way and I go mine. This is very common in places where marriage laws favour a particular gender more. The gender that's affected most by such laws, may opt for cohabitation as a means of safe guarding itself from such skewed marriage laws.
Cohabitation could also be as a result of unpreparedness for the responsibilities and challenges of marriage. Have you noticed that a cohabitation relationship breaks faster when there's a problem than a marriage relationship? Most people don't want to fulfill the responsibilities of marriage that's why they opt for cohabitation. The truth is that, should it fail, one partner is always at the losing end and the partner at such end most times is the .......... Fill in the blank space. You're the that filled it o! Lol

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