1 on 1 talks #steemit #meetup on Friday 25.05.2018! (Last call & Reminder)

in #steemit-austria6 years ago (edited)

Supported and empowered by @mammasitta, as @vinyll, @vienarch, @gexi, @manncpt and already some other motivated steemians, join us at @frameworks within the first #blockchain center in Vienna for a 1 on 1 talks to check together your opportunities with the new generation of #blockchain!

Summer time is coming fast and we get the idea to develop further the 1 on 1 talks using the indoors and outdoors spaces at @frameworks to see how we can plan next activities together!

What's the plan?

One of the goal of the 25th of May is to cloture the "com-lab" (community lab) and launch the next phase "blockchain mobility empowerment academy" in parallel to the "pan-eurasian meetup tour" which will be organized with @teekingtv and meetups organizers along the way of @silkroad40 joining the adventure of our #blockchain pioneer @preinish.

For the next and last "com-lab" event of the season, the intriguing autonomous #cryptoart space located in the 20th district is inviting us to conclude this needs assessement to co create next generation of co creative ecosystems dedicated to the community empowerment. A period initiated under the @globalschool and with the mindful contributions of notably @smartcoins, @gexi, @manncpt, @wolfgangsieberth, @sciencevienna, @silkroad40, @opt2o, @generationeuropa, @neomad, @ccommons.art & friends and many other supporters such as @lizanomadsoul and @mammasitta!

In the afternoon and evening it will be possible for the participants to make a short presentation and meet motivated steemians for a 1 on 1 talk as well as to join a workshop on demand (#cryptoart, @steemshirts t-shirts, html basics, button making or 3d printing ) and later on cook and eat together in a cosy like home athmosphere.


Join us during the day or to cook & eat together at the dinner to explore together how to participate to the "blockchain mobility empowerement academy", hold @workshops and or @hackathons with the @globalschool, share fun, joy, as well as prosperous & mutual rewards!

Come to present your company, projects, products or ideas

  • Get connections & resources to achieve your next milestones
  • Be part of the pan-eurasian meetup tour
  • Join the "blockchain mobility empowerement academy" team
  • Co create the #cryptoart experience of @frameworks
  • Cooperate on the new generation #blockchain, @silkroad40, @frameworks & the @neomad plateform
  • Have fun making some @steemshirts
  • Share a good moment around a dinner with the community

Get to know more about #blockchain, #steem, #eos, #ono, #onosocial (@onosocial), and much more about what is coming next!



At @frameworks
Allerheiligenplatz 16, 1200 Vienna
door 21-22


Friday 25th of May 2018 from 16h on

Dinner at 19h with the team of @discoversteem, @smartcoins, @mundharmonika, @neomad, @wolfgangsieberth, @manncpt (and maybe suprise guests). Please book your place by replying to this post, as the place allow a maximum of 12 guests around the table for the dinner. ;-)

I am looking forward to meet you again!

With a lot of love,


Should not be the last meeting of the com-lab. If you want that we make a post with @opt2o about the 1on1 talks on May 25th @frameworks, you just need to send us text and visual. That would be great! Helmut will be there to represent his project Patron4change. ;)

OK, I do my best to send you something if I find some time =D

Great photo!!!
My greetings to all participants Steemit-Austria and @mammasitta !!!

Thank you for your message and the enthusiastic greetings! I'll share your message with the community and specially to @mammasitta whom I'll meet in some hours =)

yep our @gexi is not only very smart, he is also very sexy =D

I am really sad that I cannot join you there. I am in Berlin on the weekend. See you soon back in Vienna, I wish you a great #meetup! ;)

Its like you are with us, next time you'lle be physically there =) See you soon and enjoy your free time! =)

Sound like a cool meetup.
Love to be with you but hopefully next time.

Next steemit meetup aachen is 8th of June and we may have a very special guest.

Thank you @detlev for your encouraging message. We are doing the best with the resources we can share together. =)

Each gentle person I have the chance to meet is a very special guest. Which gives me the hope to be a good host whenever you are coming by. In between, I hope to have the opportunity to join maybe the 8th of June or to one of your next meeting! =)

I can't wait to meet you in Aachen or in Vienna.

All the best,

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