[Steemiquettes] What the community expects from you and what you can expect in return (Part 1)

in #steemiquettes8 years ago (edited)

With a lot of new users flowing in daily, there are more and more posts being posted too! With this in mind, I wanted to write down a general "etiquette" for all users. To remind them that this is a community with people (and some bots; hey wang!) and a good behavior is recommended.

This is a short "steemiquette" of what users should expect from the platform and community, and what they can expect back in return. In Part 1 I will list the general ones that may be more or less the same in many other social platforms and communities. Part 2 will be more Steemit specified.

-Remember the human side of it all. When interacting online you only see a computer screen, some times for hours, or days in a row, think twice before you comment and imagine the outcome if you would be sitting face to face to the person.
-When in debates and discussions you disagree with a certain person (in a subject that could be something many believe to go both ways) try and keep civil and don't flag comments based on your personal feelings. The flagging hides the comment and is supposed to be used for abusive content, it may reflect poorly on you for doing otherwise. (if you do, a comment as to why would save time and confusion to readers)
-When you want to post an awesome video or picture with the community, it doesn't have to be your own, but please try and find its original source and add it to your post. We know that many social media platforms like to share a lot and not give credit where credit is due, but remember that most artists live off their work and it would be a shame it going to someone else.
-Try and use proper grammar and spelling as much as you can. For those who don't speak english as their first language this may be something hard to do, but google translate and the inbuilt spell checker make it a lot easier to work with. Readers will appreciate your bets tries more than if you hadn't tried at all and made your text a puzzle.

Please don't:
-Engage in illegal activity.
-"Doxxing" someone. Remember there are many users here already, and doxxing someone because of some interactions or drama within the two of you, you shall never give out personal information about someone without their consent.
-Try not to be rude for no apparent reasons, if you aren't rude it grows the civility of the community and makes it a better place for all of us.
-If someone deletes or edits their post, remember it was deleted for a reason and that doesn't mean you have to repost it for the curious. If a repost is needed because of its importance, you will be asked so by a moderator or staff.
-Trolling. Trolling never leads to any form of quality discussion or adds any to it. Don't ask others to troll for you. Don't start flame wars. Don't insult others, try to think of it more as "treat the other person the same way you would want to be treated".

I wrote this as a person who usually is positive about most things, but have also been called mean many times for expressing my view on things. Even though I sometimes have days in which my mood is the worst, I try my best to not spread it to others.

Let me know what you think about the things I listed! Thanks for reading.

#steemiquettes #unofficalguidelines #steemit

My last posts about #introduction verifying and why its good for your post: https://steemit.com/newcomers/@acidyo/what-verifying-your-account-in-introduceyourself-means-and-what-it-doesn-t-necessarily-have-to-mean


Nice set of guidelines. They should be embraced by the community!

Thank you! Every community has its own sort of unofficial rules that make it a much better place for the majority if followed!

@acidyo Thank you so much for sharing such a great content.

Thank you, some good advice there, Treat people the way you like to be treat, My Motto

If you want to add some #unofficialguidelines of your own, or want to add some you feel apply to steemit only, feel free to do so in the comments or make a post about it and explain why you think that would be a good unofficial guideline for the community. Use the tag so its easier to find. :)

Good ideas, hopefully everyone will use them.

Thanks, I'm sure there are many other good suggestions for #unofficialguidelines :)

Thank you for posting this - I've seen some crazy wars going on

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