Holla Steemit!! How my Momma got me into Cryptocurrency

in #steeminite8 years ago


Why I-Roda am here on Steemit

When you go around telling people “Will work for Bitcoin” the average person looks at you a little funny. Hear on Steemit that is not the case. We all work for crypto. That’s a community I want to be a part of as I have explained why in previous posts. I want to do my part in helping people take responsibility their future and financial freedom through the correct knowledge and skill sets that most of the public school system does not teach.


What your get out of your education, start grabbing life by the handlebars

How can you be off at school studying finance as I had been and not hear a word spoken of regarding the “B”. That B word being Bitcoin or even Blockchain? Not even once was it brought up! Those are some of the most important tools regarding finance yet they are not even taught… it makes you ask yourself what kind of education are you are you really getting. My answer is, less than what you paid for.
This is undoubtedly the best time to be on the earth with the most opportunity for those who are prepared to receive it.
This new introduction of myself was inspired by a post from @teamsteem. If you do not know him I highly recommend getting to know him. He will take you to the next level and has the best interest for long term success. He just announced that he had some major transitions in his own life leaving his employer of the last 10 years much because of cryptocurrency and Steemit blogging. He is an example in the community of what we can become as we put in the time and apply ourselves.


My brother from anouther mother with the same father from above

The unexpected phone call

I was in my college dorm and my mom called. "Isaac, what do you want for your birthday it’s in less than two weeks?'' I told her she did not need to get me anything but that was kind of her to ask. She told me about a book that she thought I would like to read that would help me know what I wanted to do after school, being that I was going to graduate soon. We went on talking for a bit longer and then said our goodbyes.

The timing and wisdom of a mother can be freaky at times because they are so on point always nailing it. having the correct wisdom at the correct time for the road ahead. Some people don't keep that good of relationships with their parents after they leave the house but I feel in the American culture we don't pay enough respect to our parents and those that paved the way before us. It is just so easy to forget what they have done to help us have the quality of the lives that we enjoy today. thank you to all my family that has gone before. I will be sure to do all I can to give the next generation the best shot at the best life possible. Even if you were in a family that basically was a crapy or crazy situation as many have experienced myself included we still have our parents to thank for bringing us into this world.


Idahome adventure in idaho on the rever and waterfalls

The Amazon Package that changed my life

Several weeks later I saw an Amazon package on the porch and noticed the black tape on the package that gave it away. I was thinking I didn’t order anything. I opened the package and inside was the book my Mom got me.
Disrupt You by: Jay Samit

Being excited to read something other than my accounting text book I began reading through the book that day putting aside tests and homework that needed to be done. Feeling that I should keep pushing to finish the book I put in 4-5 hours per day reading. Carving out time around running my card detailing business and taking classes, setting the book down at times to go and do a google search to a reference mentioned in the book. One of those google searches was on Bitcoin and how it would disrupt global finance. I had heard of Bitcoin before but never taken the time to understand it. This book started me on the new paradigm of what decentralization can do to bring about the changes needed to build a better word.

I like to put a dollar value on how much every book I read is worth to me in hind sight and this one has been the most valuable contribution to my financial welling being. my perspective how knowledge is power and knowledge will help you make better financial decisions clicked for me in a way like never before.


Always be road trippen, when you walk by our car and see those heavy warn muddy mismatched tires they tell a story of adventure

So, who is this guy

-In 2015 I started a Door to Door car washing business that made more money washing cars than my job offer after college working at a finance company. I washed cars and was proud of it. No shame in hard work.

-From 2012-2014 I worked on a 10,000 acre farm in Idaho. Having grown up in San Diego farming in Idaho was a humbling and eye opening prospective.

-From 2010-2012 I embarked on a mission for two years of full time missionary service teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ, working on service projects putting new roofs on homes. I paid my own way for the trip with the $12,000 I made in high school from working fixing cars and motorcycles.


Rock On, ladies and gents taking some time to burn off the farmers tan

some of my favorite things

-Baja 1000 trips to Mexico
-Surfing in Oceanside Harbor
-working on Hot rods & muscle cars
-Adventures with @sarahjanele


When you find a keeper, never let them go

My Feelings on Money and Debt

The difference between Income and purchasing power, a messed up relationship because of the dollar leaving the gold standard.
Consumer debt is something that many Americans carry on their back day and night and it is so unhealthy “Debt never sleeps or takes a holiday it works 24/7” against you. To spend money on movie tickets you don’t have will really cost you more. Use smart debt limited when needed. Spend less than you earn. Invest in what you know.

My Details

-26 Years Old
-Eagle Scout
-German American
-Married (just celebrated 2 year anniversary going strong)
-Pro, Guns, Pro Family, Pro Religious Freedom, Pro pull yourself up by the bootstraps and take responsibility for your actions kind of guy
-God fearing man and lover of one woman always and forever for time and all eternity


Take the time to get to know what we call earth, from Moab Utah


Thanks again Mom if you ever read this for the book that got me into blockchain. I will be speaking at a conference in Vegas on July 28th because of you. The future will never be the same knowing what I know now. Many of my younger years growing up I had a mother always in an out the hospital with mental health problems. I would have to walk miles to school when no one was home to take me being the oldest brother I had to grow up a little faster than I wanted to. But Now I am only better for it. I want to teach my children to read and write to give them the best advantage possible so they will not be learning to write and read as late in life as I have. I have been so strengthened and supported by this community thank you for all you have done for me. I will do all I can to pay it forward in the months to come.
Thank you taking the time to read follow for more original content.


What would life be without family... Can't live with them can't live without them


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Welcome to the community!

Welcome to steem

Welcome to steemit

Hello Isaac, great introduction!
Willcommen to Steemit, enjoy :-)

It is amazing how these little moments can have such a great impact on our lives

Amen to that @larksongbird, I just shot some love your way... I feel your work is undervalued for what you are delivering.
Keep up the good work it will pay off!

Thanks Isaac! Happy Steeming

I really enjoyed reading your post. It is good to see people learning good things early in life, like what you wrote about debt. It can be a real joy killer and dominate the best years of your life. Great post. Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better.

You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders @goatgarden!

That may be, but i learned the hard way. We live frugally and our only debt is our house. Our vehicles have over 200k miles and i do most repairs myself. I HATE working on vehicles but with the help of friends we get by. I just don't care about keeping up with everyone else. That was a losing battle. It is much more peaceful without a stack of maxed out credit cards. I have to give credit to Dave Ramsey and his books and courses for setting us in the right direction.

Let me welcome you to this awesome place @Isaac.rodebush . I'm @chrisx and if you need any help feel free to contact or follow me :-)

Thanks @chrisx love the melon head photo :)

Hello Isaac.rodebush:) Nice to see more people like you - here joining steemit !! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure !! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Greetings, @khunpoom !

Thanks @khunpoom, I don't how you can get much more original and down to earth than a farmer boy and a surfer haha ;)


Welcome isaac to Steemit great post and platform to express and learn new things, enjoy.@kevinace

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