Who do I follow on steem and why?

in #steemimpact4 years ago (edited)

First of all I wanna thank @theycallmedan for this initiative.
Thank you sir.!

Well.! I would say, being new on steem paved way for me to follow many people of great statures.
I learnt that the first and best thing to do when newly introduced and registered on steem was to follow up great people and learn from them by engaging their blogs with your useful comments.
So I would say at first I just followed people randomly but even with that, there are likes of people and community I followed which had a way of contributing to my life.

I follow many important people but I will only mention few of those people.
The very first community I followed and was a part of is @steemchurch.
Reasons is that, here I could be equipped biblically or scripturally thereby sharing the word of God and the mind of God in written texts and writeup.
I followed this community to learn from every other believer here and also to share the word of God too.

@uyobong, a man with great value and content. I followed him since when I joined steem block chain.
He always have good content to share and because of the discoveries he makes daily on steem with his compelling investment on steem.
One wouldn't help but follow him to keep up the space of whatever He was doing on the block chain. Either to learn from him and to get better in whatever you wanna do.
I see him to be very passionate about steem and how many Steemians he had brought to the platform, I happen to be one of those many persons. His enthusiasm about telling and initiating people here on steem is what I tend to be perplexed about each time it happens.

@anomadsoul, I followed him for quite sometimes now. And just like I said earlier, that at first I followed people randomly being that I was new on steem and that was the only thing I thought I could do then.
But I can say for sure that @anomadasoul is one of my random follower I find really interesting.
He always have useful and mind blowing contest on steem. Thereby making one be awaken to the things happening around him or her and also about the steem block trade. Following him has been of great value to me as I also take part in most of his initiated contests.

@kayda-ventures, if I don't mention him, I don't think it would be fair. I followed him few months back when I discovered He was into the art world. Naturally I admire persons who are into art, being that its one of my major hobby. I followed him up, reasons being that I could learn from him to improve my art works and I've also seen many of his mind blowing art pieces. Trust me there are good!

I don't think I've ever met anyone that is so addicted to sketching with pen as this guy, I know him for always sketching and drawing with pen. I followed him and got engaged in his works. I mean I've never seen him sketch with pencil and I usually wondered how he does it. It was a challenge to me! If someone could sketch so well with pen without any noticeable errors then he was worth linking up with. I followed maxwell to learn how to used my pen to sketch. And I tried out one of his art work, but though it didn't turn out so well but I believe with persistent I will get to where he is. I must say I secretly admire most of his works and wished there were mine.

@darlenys01, a woman among women. I became her humble follower since the day I became a pledged member of @steemchurch community. She is one of the few person I could read her write up and learn something new. Be it scriptural based or motivationally.
Being a lady with love for God and the things that enhances the kingdom of God, I had no option but to keep her at close bay.

@upmewhale, have not really had a close intimacy with him but I know him to be a generous type.
Always upvoting and curating useful contents.
I followed him a long time ago, though I may not have known why I did that but from the looks of things now. I am now a beneficiary of whatever goes on here on steem and whatever he does here.
He also host and initiates mind opening contests and contents with values here on steem.

They are all great and wonderful people I followed up on steem for one reason or the other. Though I haven't mentioned all and many other reasons as to why I followed up the aboved mentioned but all the same; they all had a way of contributing to my life in diverse ways.

Once again I would shout out to @theycallmedan for this contest, thereby awaking us and making us realise and remember our purpose on steem and why we are here and the likes of people we follow to make our steem days exciting and rewarding.

Thank you Sir.!

Looking forward to more of such contests and even better ones.

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Congratulations Zellypearl. This work is worth reading and rereading, there really are many good people in Steemchurch ... God honors those who honor him.

You are right there are tons of wonderful people in Steemchurch community and I'm also so glad knowing am a part of such awesome community
Thanks for stopping by!

Posted using Partiko Android

Really nice curation of folks to follow! I’m not at all new to Steemit, but I’ve been silent for the past couple of years and I’m looking to get back into it with the community of Christians here. Hope to interact with you in the future! I’m going to be posting daily devotions and a Christian podcast on my blog called Fumbling Toward Jesus. I had a huge life transformation through the power of Christ over the past couple of years, I’m an addict in Christian recovery, and I’m really excited to build relationships with fellow believers on Steemit! Have a blessed day!

Thank you for stopping by to comment.
Looking forward to engaging your Christian podcast. Hope to learn from you too as we grow together
Keep steeming..!

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