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RE: We Are All Coworkers on Steem: You, Me And Everyone Here

in #steemians7 years ago (edited)

The truth that your teachers never told you is this: real empowerment comes from within yourself.
This always sounds woo-woo to say, but I know it's true. I've experienced it. Now, there are many obstacles that can get in your way, as you try to become empowered by your own mind.

We are our own struggles, even when people get together for the empowerment some people still go through the back door to overshadow others... I believe the betterment of anything/place or organisation starts with you and i, where no one can be greedy enough to backstab others.


Dunno why i wrote an off point comment, maybe cos i'm mad about my dear country... The current situation and celebrating its independence day.. Lol.

this is quite funny.


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