Love beyond ourselves. 4

in #steemians7 years ago

It is necessary to stress this fact, the older type of guide to sex did not completely this aspect, but it tended to concentrate attention almost entirely upon the physical relationship. And the plain truth is that the physical union, Important as it is, forms but a part of the love relationship. Those who fail to recognize this usually suffer in the consequence. There have been experimenters in what is miscalled free love, and they have mainly been people who have studied sex technique most thoroughly. They have had so little to learn so little as far as erotic pleasure and method of imparting it are concerned. Yet after passing from one affair to another, as they so often do, they experience a sense of failure and frustration.
Naturally they are puzzled for they obeyed all the rules, many perhaps the majority discovered that so far as marriage being an old fashioned, discredited institution, it is the visible and outward expression of certain fundamental human expression of certain fundamental human desires, not all of which are of physical nature, in many cases this discovery is made often too late to be of value.
Companionship, shared interest, the security which the home provides, the joys of family life, all these are important. In marriage sex provides them all. Without these other vital parts of the full life, sex looses much of its significance. If we are to study sex technique wisely it is necessary, therefore, to consider it primarily in relation to marriage, and with the home as the background. We cannot take sex and regard it as something apart from life in general without leaving many important problems unconsidered. Nor must we make the mistake of thinking that sex is life itself. It is only a part of life, but so vital part that it should not be ignored.
The same is said of eating or breathing, but we do not regard eating or breathing as the end to be sought in living. Like sex, these are parts of our lives, but they are not the whole.

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