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RE: We Are All Coworkers on Steem: You, Me And Everyone Here

in #steemians7 years ago (edited)

This had me thinking about the positive influence of money on Steemit. What is behind the money? What does money represent to most of us on Steemit?: Ownership. Regardless of account value, everyone has an asset with potential that we aren't even aware of yet. On other platforms, it's easy to misbehave- and it's contagious.. non-constructive attitudes and reactions.. to forget empathy, respect and that other people and relations with other people matter. It doesn't seem as "real" when nobody else is in the room. So what helps us stay mindful of our virtual workplace and our co workes- and how? A dollar on Steemit is a collective expression of our involvement. And "money" is emotionally tied to acquiring tangible rewards and material freedom. It is instinctual to scout about, gathering nuts and it's healthy when you've been able to mindfully "keep it real", operating from a higher perspective. So I see primal motive and collective need which in turn gives way to mutual support / development, and high appreciation for others (love and survival of the community).

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