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RE: A bun Dance

in #steemians6 years ago

A little lost here. Although I am familiar with the word shamanism in its general sense, I don't understand what you meant by calendrical shamanism. You did use the term "spiritualism" as opposed to "spirituality" in one of your earlier comments. Hence wondering whether you also deal with ghosts (which is the realm of spiritualism)?


Spiritualism as in pertaining to a spiritual state of existence.. I am not a ghost hunter but do feel based on my vast experiences of altered states that there are planes of existence not normally perceived where the linear sense of time breaks down.

The tzolkin calendar is built upon this principle that time is cycylical and frequency based and that creation is built upon this interconnected framework. In its most basic sense some days are energetically more suitable for certain things. There are 20 deities or fractals each with a revolving tone of 1-13 arranged in an endless infinite spiral by overlapping with the ages they fall into. 13:20 one cycling is 260 days. So the first day 1 crocodile dictates the flow the next 13 days but is also merged with the energy of cycles from weeks to months,years, centuries,millennia, and billions of years. Exponentially growing no real end no beginning just a flow of energies that ensure no one day is ever alike. It's a essentially a filtration pattern from a central unseen source. Golden ratio applied to the illusion of time which oddly enough in Sanskrit Maya means illusion.. Ma is create, hence nearly every language on earth uses some form of ma for mother. OK back to work for me, hope this very brief introduction clears things up a bit for you...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey, thanks for taking time to explain. Will read up more on it from internet sources, when time permits.

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