in #steemian7 years ago

Nepotism is the act of showing favoritism towards one's family, friends or any group of person. For example, granting favours or jobs to friends and relatives, without regard to merit.

The English dictionary defines it as; the favoring of relatives or persons because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities (meritocracy) merit system.

It is the based on favour granted to relatives in various fields, including business, politics, academics, sports religion and other activities.

The term comes from the Italian word "nepotismo" which is based on the Latin word "nepos" meaning Nephew. The term originated with the assignment of Nephew to important positions by Catholic Popes and bishops in the grounds of relationship; since the Middle Ages and until the late 17th century, when some Catholic Popes and Bishops, who had taken vows of chastity, and therefore usually had no legitimate offspring of their own, gave their Nephew such position of preference as we're often accorded by Father to Son.(Wikipedia).

I will consider two forms of Nepotism, which are:

  1. POLITICAL NEPOTISM: Nepotism is a common accusation in politics when relative of a powerful figure ascends to similar power seemingly without appropriate qualifications. The British English expression "Bob's your Uncle"

  2. ORGANIZATIONAL NEPOTISM: nepotism often occur within organizations when a person is employed due to familial ties. It is generally seen as unethical, both on the part of the employees and employers. At work Nepotism can mean increased opportunity at a job, attaining the job or being paid more than other similarly situated people due to "Nepotic"connections . An article from Forbes magazine state; "there is no ladder to climb when the too rung is reserved for people with a certain name.

The process works like this; the public competition for employment is advertised, but those who govern the process knows exactly in advance who shall be chosen on the contest. To make this sure, they discuss the answers on questions that every candidate who applies will be asked to favoured persons. Of course, this way, the favoured persons gains the maximum points on the contest and get chosen for the employment.

This is also what happens in a corrupt education system with Nepotism when the student gets 75% if the all of the claim in terms of nepotical examinational system for licking questions to examination. The question is, was the students the ones who set the exams? From the teachers or lecturers in one way or the other directly or indirectly facilities the licking process, where the lecturers or teachers already had in mind who to score higher.
As for all those who applied for the job or examination and despite the fact they are more qualified and competent for the job and good marks, they get turned down, by the results whilst the favoured persons takes it all, with no proof of any Malversation whatsoever, and this circle of Nepotism and corruption goes on and on, and get wider and larger, it results with numerous incompetence and lazy public employees who gradually advance in low self confidence of getting a good deserve job and hierarchy of ( thanks to my Boss on top). When this favoured persons get to a leading position, they do just the same for their countrymen or those who are willing to compromise in cash or kind (position reserved or for sell).

text: James 2:8-9, II Chronicles 19:6-7, I Timothy 5:21, James 2:1
Example from GOD
Acts 10:34-36. Romans 2:11 Deuteronomy 10:17

James 2:8
KJV:If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
Verse 9:
KJV:But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
ESV:But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
NIV:But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
AMP:But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favoritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders.

Comment: Love thy neighbour as thyself doesn't have restrictions or specifications to favour some and forget others. Just like my leader saying; "why is your love not affecting others as well "
NEIGHBOUR in the Biblical context refer to any fellow human being. Nepotism give a selective target of neighbour which is wrong.
Shunning Nepotism (partiality, respect to some persons, prejudice, favoritism) is having open mindedness in love and in giving free opportunity to everyone by a Merit system called (MERITOCRACY)

Please comments are welcome!!!!

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