KnoNap - Drug-detecting napkin

in #steemhunt5 years ago (edited)


Drug-detecting napkin



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Ladies, and even gentlemen, many times we hear women being drugged and sexually assaulted. Unfortunately, women do not have much chance for defense in this case when they are totally drugged through their drinks thus without the least knowledge of what went wrong. The napkin that knows come to the rescue.

KnoNap is a napkin that detects if a drink has been drugged. Anyone drops part of the drink on one part of the napkin and the napkin's color will change if the drink has drug.

This napkin may seem so ordinary but is something that can save women and even young ladies from sexual assault from being drugged.

Watch how it was conceptualized and how it works here:

The inventor of KnoNap was honored by Toyota as Mother of Invention:


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Wow, that was fast! Thank you! 😊

So many cases of drug rapping and sexual assault with girls are reported daily from whole world. Women always facing problem in his every field of life and sexually harassed severely. Mostly girls rapped on dating due to drug taken unknowingly and mostly are sexually assault in offices. So now no need to much worried, here is a gift for females and now they can freely do their daily activities without any tension with full confidence. KnoNap is just like a ordinary napkin but have a amazing feature that it can detect on the spot the quantity of drug in drink with a single drop. now the girls can check just to dropping a drop on KnoNap and never deceived. @macoolette it is really a great hunting and awesome innovation.

KnoNap is a cocktail napkin that is capable of testing for specific rape-drug presence.

here is a gift for females

That is a cool way to look at it. I did not think of that. Yes, you are correct. I think this is a very good gift for females.😊

Thank you for dropping by. 😊

A great hunt...
Abuse using alcohol is a great issue and this napkin is an ingenious invention...
Looks like an ordinary one though. I hope it is cost effective also.
Awesome hunt

Well, it is not just with alcohol that people can be drugged through drinks. Simple water or juices can be used in disguise. Yap, I too hope it is worth spending for in terms of cost.

Thanks for dropping by. 😊

You are right...But that kind of abusive activities mostly happen in parties and activities where a lot of drinking and dancing is involved. There are rare chances of getting drugged on a 5 star hotel dinner table.

I'm normally very skeptical about these safety related products because most of them re genuine impractical BS. KnoNap is not one of them. I'm glad to have found this on @steemhunt among other products that are nothing but fluff. It's also not something laced with feminist SJW agenda. The company acknowledge that men become victims too and it never goes on emotional campaigns. instead they focus on real solution with science and technology to empower individuals beyond just words and outrage.

We honestly need a lot more companies like this on our planet. It's nice to see a lo of support coming from large companies like Toyota and FedEx. I mean the victims are actually more likely to use drugs than the general public:

  • 3.4 times more likely to use marijuana
  • 6 times more likely to use cocaine
  • 10 times more likely to use other major drugs

Prevention is the best solution this is something can can make a real difference. I hope their product will get popular and widely available and not be another Theranos.

It's funny that I had to search for Theranos as I had no idea about it. And yes, I hope this KnoNap will not be like Theranos because indeed, it is very promising to prevent crimes. You already pointed out the support coming from big companies so I guess that makes this product more credible.

This is a fantastic product - very nice hunting!

I'm sure the figures are high, very high, on the number of women who've been drugged with something like a date-rape drug. The crimes often go unreported, or the women isn't sure what happened, so just feels guilty and might never share her story.

So, this product is a real step in the right direction. But I just worry it's not going to fully work as intended.

In a bar, a nightclub, or at a party. where these incidents often occur, the setting is often dark, or the lighting isn't a standard colour. Even though the change in colour on the napkin seems quite noticeable in white light (on a white napkin), I wonder whether it'd be as noticeable in red, blue, or purple light - even light which is changing. This is especially true in a social setting, where you might not be concentrated fully on the napkin (assuming you're safe).

I think an answer to this, and what I'd like to see happen, is that bars, nightclubs and other establishments where women are routinely drugged should [maybe even be forced to] take some responsibility.

If a bar (for example) had to serve all their drinks on these napkins, as standard, and all bar staff had to look out for changes in colour as part of their serving duties, I'm sure you'd see much better results. The bar staff would know the lighting in the place they work, and how that would affect the napkins, and they would be sober and alert.

This is such a great product, I'd really love to see it succeed, But the responsibility shouldn't rest solely on individual women.

Forcing bars to use this napkin may be a long shot to take because that may require government legislation. I think it will be easier if women will instead carry this napkin on their own. I just hope it will be made affordable and available in common markets.

When I saw napkin word I thought it was the napkin that what girl used to cover in time of their menstruation or period😂 So napkin now can be useful to prevent drug in your food not only to prevent blood of period haha. Well in my place philippines one people who died because of drugs where she is in party because one of her friend putting a drug on glass of alcohol that she is about to drink and in just few mins. she collapse and died.

If you detect then you will prevent to eat or drink if it has a drug. Great Hunt.

Ah, hahaha! Yes, that is the napkin that I usually thought about when I was young, in elementary days. I did not know that tissue paper is also called a napkin. 😂

So we are both in the Philippines. It is sad to think about your story but I am sure this happens anywhere in the world. The inventor of this KnoNap even had the bad experience in Spain.

Interesting and useful hunt of the day

This napkin is very useful for Women protect from Drugs.

Now a days this is very serious problem for Women in their daily life.

This is best product and very simple one for avoiding unnecessary drugs.

Nice find, Thanks for sharing.

Yes, this is very simple yet very useful. 😊

The main advantage of the KnoNap is that it is a discret device that does not take up space, that everyone can have on their own or that bars and clubs can offer their customers.

that does not take up space

I agree. It is actually very discret that you would not even know it is a drug detecting device.

What an interesting solution to help women (and men) better protect themselves against rape drugs. I like how the developers made sure that the end users can use the product discretely. By packaging it as a napkin, anyone can test their drinks without letting the people around them know what they're doing.

After all, you wouldn't want would-be attackers to know that you're on to them and give them a chance to escape. Plus, no one wants to appear paranoid or hurt their friends/co-workers feelings by making it appear like you don't trust them when they see you testing your drinks around them.

use the product discretely

Yap, I think that is the coolest advantage of this napkin because would-be attackers would not know about it.

WOW!! What a hunt it is? This hunt is totally for me as firstly I am a lady who can be triggered at any time because of no one can imagine that what will happen in the next minute. This Napkin has a real thing to get one as soon as possible. I am pretty much sure that this product will get huge marketing. Very Nice Hunting! Keep it up! Have a great day!

Yap, it is something very new and unique to me too. And yes, it will be very helpful if it is made available and affordable to the mass globally.

Thanks from dropping by. 😊

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