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RE: LIVING POPUPS - Augmented Reality brings brands and products to life

in #steemhunt5 years ago

There's so much potential in AR, and it's a lot more mature, and accessible than VR - which for me, is still years away from mass-adoption.

But AR is ready now, and anybody with a smartphone can view, and interact with it, seamlessly - no barrier to entry, no hassle, no "setting up" needed.

I'm so surprised there hasn't been faster, and more widespread development in AR since Pokemon Go pretty much took over the world.

But this is a great step in the right direction.

And the amazing thing about AR, when used by brands, is that suddenly, people will actually want to view, interact with, and tell their friends about the content being pushed at them by brands,

Yes, we'll be hungry for marketing material, because it looks so new, cool and different - if it's done well (and not just used as a sales driver). And that's something brands seem slow to realise. Big brands should be all over AR like a rash, fighting to get the latest AR experiences out.

Maybe now we'll actually see AR realise its potential!?

Great hunt...exciting times.


Thank you very much for your comment, I agree with you on everything. The companies still have to recognize what potential they get with AR. Any company that offers this added value to its customers and starts earlier will stand out from the competition.

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