Learn Muscles: Anatomy - Interactive Anatomy & Health Learning with 3D Animations

Learn Muscles: Anatomy

Interactive Anatomy & Health Learning with 3D Animations



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Learn Muscles: Anatomy is an app that will facilitate the learning of the anatomy of the human body for students and doctors through the use of interactive quiz and 3D animated models of the human body and all its inner composition.




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There seems to hundreds or even thousands of 3D anatomic or muscles learning app or platform. I will perhaps have a headache in choosing the best because each they come up, each one of them seems like the best. This also looks good. We'll done

This is an excellent reference to learn the muscles of the body with just enough information to give a very adequate understanding of it's functions.

It is a fantastic app for someone who knows nothing about medicine but is well into sports. As i have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis on my hip i have to concentrate on stretching and strengthening muscles. Strangely enough pain moves around within a hip and i have so far found out that it really depends on where weaker muscles are

Could be more in depth, but for most situations of information required about the body it is very good. Detailing top score, Depth of information suitable for most people

This app is one of the best I've come across i use it regularly, great for sports massage, explaining to clients, teaching and training. Incredibly easy to work with this app, which makes learning fun

Me likey! Not only does one learn but this can help with animation students as well..........

This is one of my favorite apps. As a medical student I needed to learn all of the O. I. A. N. for all of the muscles in the body. Some days I was so sick of studying, but I would open the quiz sections on this app and feel more like I was palying a game than studying. It really helped.

A great educational tool to learn amd understand the human muscles anatomy. The app gives us full 3D visualization of 141 muscles in oir body with all the details.

Its great Muscles learning tool and super way to learn more about human muscles. You know it is very important to stay more healthy and I think if we know the information well about our body it can be easy to stay well and healthy. Also very good app for all. Good Hunt

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