Is there a way to see our "Posting Power"
I know now there is a new rule regarding posts where basically you can only post 4 times a day, and now get paid every 12 hours instead of 24.. but is there a way to see our Posting Power kind of like our Voting Power like on our page?
At first I thought it was just every 24 hours your allowed to post 4 posts and get rewarded, but what if you space them out through the day.. Do you have to wait 24 hours from EACH post or does it just reset once a day?
Before knowing about voting power I was not aware of how it worked, and it got down to like 50% and it took forever to get back up..
But my main question is if we are ONLY posting 4 posts a day do we need to wait 24 hours from each post one at a time or more importantly is there a way to see our "posting power" or a timer for when we are allowed to Post and get 100%?
I don't think I'll be very helpful but basically I was told to watch the voting power percentage on Steemd and don't let it get under 50% . I've been in the habit of posting, reading, commenting and upvoting on a few and then checking my percentages. But I'm also new and really have no value anyway. That being said, it's a good habit to get in to because once you build up your reputation you may be more inclined to make your upvotes really count. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
I appreciate it and I'm not sure.. I assumed 100% was the best :/
100% is the best for voting power but staying there is also an indication that you aren't contributing to the community.
Well I made a post about this once and was told that basically if you wait like 36 minutes between each upvote your voting power stays at 100% forcing you to be REALLY specific on what your upvoting, but as you can see I stay very active voting and commenting ;D
Ah! Another very interesting perspective. I'll have to try some A/B testing on voting power vs. time and see which affects my wallet more.
good Q. who is the admin for steemit?
Not sure how that all works but you can see witnesses here
Nice post, great question. I´ll be waiting for an answer.
Nice @stealthtrader
Shot you an Upvote :)
Nice @stealthtrader
Shot you an Upvote :)
Keep up the great work @stealthtrader
Keep up the great work @stealthtrader