
Steemit Inc. is a US company, so here it's like anywhere else. The website can be blocked by common means, the hoster can track your movements and so on.

When you run a local steem node (not an alternative to steemit, there's no GUI for it yet), nobody knows what you read, because you download everything. Your ISP, and thus your government, could find out what you post if they wanted though. And they could block Steem traffic.

Decentralized doesn't mean anonymous or unblockable!

I got it, thanks!

You can have more anonymity by mining an account. I'm sure there will be a way to purchase an account using crypto this is well received in the community. Once get this far then you could use a private VPN service to post to Many VPN providers accept crypto as payment. Posts on steemit are mirrored by at least 21 elected witnesses (see the witnesses in the sidebar), so, is just a web page on top of steemd (what the witnesses run). respects privacy but they could be court orderd, or (in the USA) simply harrased by government agencies into turning over records.. I'm not aware of any data policy that details what steemit is saving and will not save.

I hope you have something good to share to help people gain their freedom! respects privacy but they could be court orderd, or (in the USA) simply harrased by government agencies into turning over records… I’m not aware of any data policy that details what steemit is saving and will not save.

This is an important point and needs more attention.

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