Abuse (source of word: @steemcleaners) Guide (source of word: @steemcleaners) - 2017 (source of date: timeanddate.com) Update (source of word: @steemcleaners)

in #steemhelp7 years ago (edited)

Steemit.com (Ned and a bunch of people who aren't Dan) has evolved (not a real thing why didn't the bible mention dinosaurs no not dragons shutup) over the last year (2017--useful extra information if you're reading this in, like, at least, seven years from now) and with it so has @steemcleaners (literary paramilitary of cranky library-science majors). We thought it was time (not a real thing it's called space-time now duh loop quantum gravity read it) to update our abuse (not the Louis C.K. kind) guide (sherpa). 1

Defined Abuse Scope2


Photo Source and Information: The original of this photograph (of a scope likely going into a colon which seems to be something that would always, necessarily, be done in a manner that can be described as "abusively" but only wherein "abusively" is being used in a funny and sarcastic manner such that the Doctors in the photo, though unknown to this post's author, are highly skilled doctors operating under full consent and conditions that are in no way abusive whatsoever to anyone, including but not necessarily limited to the individual appearing to have a scope inserted in or around his colon and who has allowed a U.S. Navy Mass Communication Specialist to photograph what appears to be a scope being inserted in or around his colon) is a U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Chad A. Bascom, released by the Navy pursuant to the Defense Imagery Management Operations Center Public Notice of Limitations as established by DoD Instruction 5410.20 and used in this post as a "Work of the United States Government" (a/k/a a "United States Government work") as defined in 17 U.S.C. Section 101 and as placed in the public domain pursuant to 17 U.S.C. Section 105 and with all identifying information blurred out (yet, strangely, still sourcing the photograph back to the original photograph, which results in a legal conundrum regarding the privacy rights against non-consensual commercialization of the likenesses of individuals versus the Guidelines as per @steemcleaners on Steemit.com, but which, in any event is likely a moot point as a result of the Fair Use Doctrine's applicability to this post as a sarcastic, yet "information-thick" educational tool being posted to point out the inherent difficulty and complexity of determining a work's infringement upon the rights [copyright, specifically, but with ancillary relation to non-legal plagiarism ethics and standards] of other content producers and publishers), being utilized without any express, implied, inferred, or suggested support, acknowledgement or backing of any of the individuals in the photograph, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Government, or the original photographer of any concept, idea, product, or service, including but not limited to Steem, Steemit, Steemit.com, @ilt-yodith (he has his own tag and refers to himself in the third person until I don't feel like referring to myself that way anymore deal with it), BuryMeWithMyMoney.com, cryptocurrencies, any of the boring garbage the so-called "whales" post on here which really makes you question what kind of people are reading these posts even though we all know the answer is 'no people just robots', ideas posted or linked in the comments and/or replies of this post, and/or Mercator Map Projections--which everyone knows are ridiculous and make no sense and there's no way Antarctica can be as big as basically everywhere else combined and Africa is smaller than, like, Greenland, which is just some island that's sort of big in the same way that "Maine" is sort of big, but not gigantic, like Africa size gigantic.

  1. Abuse Guide - 2017 Update: A Steemit.com Post by @steemcleaners Posted in "steemcleaners" 5 Months Ago from the Date of This Post Here That you Are Reading By Kanye West (Not Really Kanye West and Admittedly Not so Not a Violation of Policy)

  2. Abuse Guide - 2017 Update: A Steemit.com Post by @steemcleaners Posted in "steemcleaners" 5 Months Ago from the Date of This Post Here That you Are Reading By Kanye West (Not Really Kanye West and Admittedly Not so Not a Violation of Policy)


Woahh! The end felt like a roller coaster that took way too long to reach the top, only to be transported back to the starting point in the blink of an eye.
I don't know what this is but @steemcleaners gotta see it.

One of those I don't need to understand it to appreciate it. HAHA 🤔

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