[STEEMGIG] Wanted: Pixel Artists

in #steemgigs7 years ago

This will be the first of many #steemgigs for my new STEEM RPG project.

I need pixel artists to create original art, and I'll be making a competition out of it!


I need multiple artists for this project. One for terrain/background, one for items and objects, and another for characters/enemies. Each contest winner will be "hired" to work on graphics for my game, and will be paid for all of your work.

I will use this #steemgig to gather all submissions, and hold three seperate [CONTEST] posts for each category after it pays out.

Entrants are allowed and welcome to make a submission for all three categories. I will be using the liquid reward from this post for the start of a pool for rewards in the contest, and will offer some of my own hard earned SBD as a bonuses.

Artwork will need to mimic the style in these images, and most tiles will be 32×32 pixels. Things like trees are 32wide×64tall:

DQmWjNVoe5nqBeud44JYywBu5J3vDDfqLFdxAU7sib21Kgs_1680x8400.png DQmXv1x3o4o8k9AiEbLeyHXJukgaihHFDUfLQwqXGy3zCTM_1680x8400.png

You've got until this post pays out to get your submissions in, I can't wait to see what you've all got in store for us!


Hopefully you can find someone who can do this in the discord!

That's my next stop 😁 getting ready to create a few more, as I'm crowdsourcing as much of this game as I can.

What were you thinking for bonuses and what not if you don't mind me asking?

For starters, I plan to create a new account for the game related posts like the dev blog, updates, contests, and steemgigs. All the revenue made through that account would be spread out to contributors.

But 75% of the liquid reward for each contest would be spread among the participants, with the other 25% going into the project fund.

awe damn. I had made a bunch of pixel art sprites a couple years ago. Some could've been used for sure. To bad my hard drive fried.

this is a cool idea. i like! :)

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