in #steemgigs7 years ago (edited)

Be Cautious!

THIS IS WHAT GOOD FRIENDS CAN DO TO YOU especially if they are steemer friends.

They can get you to do the strangest and oddest things while your eyeballs are dropping to the floor > way past the bewitching hour. by @deveerei

It all started here asking us to "Draw A Pig for this Drawing Steemgig!" It's very simple, draw a pig (in any way/medium, be as creative as you can be).

Here is my drop dead simple drawing of a pig on high adventures.

pig drawing.jpg

@enjar innocently coaxed/cajoled/tempted me in a vulnerable state and said he was drawing a pig with ms paint and a brick mouse and it's going to be ugly > bad. What did I have to lose so I did the same but on scrap papers and with black pen.

Of course, I savagelydisregarded my one struggling brain cell attempting to keep my body upright and forced it to multitask this VI steemit project with my eyes half closed > dozzzzing asleep with drool pooling in the corner! There were many do overs. Not so simple anymore for me. :P Yet, secretly...I have to admit this was fun Just don't let enjar know.


All I had to do to trick her into showing us this wonderful talent was draws this horrible thing!


I was so tired I missed seeing that was you who created those piggies. Heavens that's great for drawing with a brick and tired.

Hey there @ackza you colored our piggy ... how nice.

Haha ! funny post and drawing ! ^_^
have a great day with your steem beautiful pig ;-)

Thank you so much. I love making my lovely steemer creatives laugh.

It is one cool pig!

Maybe, I should draw more often when I'm exhausted... hehehe it's was funny and a night to remember. I am glad no one had a vdo cam on me. I'm sure it would have gone viral. OMG scarey thot. @enjar is a funny dude and persistent when he wants something . He's the one responsible for this crazy drawing.

Today, I have more info about WhaleShares than ever before. I think I will finally join the community.

What did you find out about WhaleShare? Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

Sorry. I think I messed up a bit. Left comment on the wrong post.

No problem > No worries.
We all get pig wild sometimes.

Sorry for leaving comment of another post on this one. Means I didn't comment where I wanted.

This comment I am leaving as a compensation. I upvoted your post and I wish I knew a thing or two about drawing. Nice piggy on the wheels.

No problem and thank you for commenting your kind words. Anyone can draw. My friend said he couldn't and after submitting his first art work is on the road to being an artist. If you have the time .. Do submit. We all love crazy art works and the beginners have the best. They're not so boxed in with all the techniques. I think for me I will draw when I am exhaused just to see the strange things that come out. lol

Haha. Thanks for the motivation. I have a friend who is exceptional at drawing. I'll invite him to Steemit and ask him to participate.

That's great but remember you are alway invited to draw.

Great Post & Drawing!
Definitely laughable material.
Thanks for sharing the fun & Steem on :)

After being up too long we all get punchy and say things we might not say when we're thinking straight. I was fortunate that I didn't get myself in trouble. I was pleased that it came out as well as it did. Thank you.. I live to make people laugh because it's so healing.


thank you so much. I thought I'd have to hide for awhile. lol

hide? we making you draw more often now!

You're true colors are coming out. Whadda Sweet Heart You Are. EVERYONE HERE see what I go through? points at @enjar "ive got witnesses!"

Piga are cool ... some day they are becoming a Bacon :)

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