in #steemgigs6 years ago (edited)


There is an evil that has plagued man since the beginning of time. It has been around for so long that most of us don't even recognize it as evil anymore. It is the singular reason for every failed and abandoned project we have as humans.

It keeps families from being all God ordain them to be; hinders individuals from developing to their fullest, and shackles whole societies in poverty and underdevelopment. It is a vile evil,and the greatest waste of energy!

This evil I want to talk about cost Adam his home in Eden, and has plagued his descendants ever since. Even now many are still falling prey to this evil. Adam failed because he failed to be all that God intended for him to be.

So what is the greatest waste of energy? Is it fuel? No. The greatest waste of energy and the vile evil I am talking about is an unused potential!

Genesis 2:7 - God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive - a living soul!

Genesis 2:8 - Then God planted a garden in Eden, in the east. He put the Man he had just made in it.

Genesis 2:9 - God made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. The Tree-of-Life was in the middle of the garden, also the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil.

Genesis 2:10 - A river flows out of Eden to water the garden and from there divides into four rivers.

Genesis 2:11 - The first is named Pishon; it flows through Havilah where there is gold.

Genesis 2:12 - The gold of this land is good. The land is also known for a sweet-scented resin and the onyx stone.

Genesis 2:13 - The second river is named Gihon; it flows through the land of Cush.

Genesis 2:14 - The third river is named Hiddekel and flows east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

Genesis 2:15 - God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order.

Genesis 2:16 - God commanded the Man, "You can eat from any tree in the garden,

Genesis 2:17 - except from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. Don't eat from it. The moment you eat from that tree, you're dead."

The omnipotent God breathed his abilities, his potency into man; and said to him, 'Use everything I have placed inside you- these potentials to rule over your world, and live a life of distinction '. But man, from the time of Adam, has continually failed God.

Adam wasted his potential when he gave in to the deception of a beast of the field, and disobeyed God rather than exercise his God-given dominion over that lying beast! That was why God asked him, ' Who told you that you naked (Genesis 3:11)?' In other words, 'Whose potent ability or power are you operating on, because the one I put in you was for you to dominate not to be dominated?

To be so richly endowed by the omnipotent God and not be able to utilize it;is the greatest waste known to mankind. God abhors it!

If you are a child of God,then God has loaded you with all the potential you need to shine. But your inability to utilize it means you have wasted it. You are that man with the one talent that buried it.

Matthew 25:14-30.

Matthew 25:14 - "It's also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities.

Matthew 25:15 - To one he gave five thousand dollars, to another two thousand, to a third one thousand, depending on their abilities. Then he left.

Matthew 25:16 - Right off, the first servant went to work and doubled his master's investment.

Matthew 25:17 - The second did the same.

Matthew 25:18 - But the man with the single thousand dug a hole and carefully buried his master's money.

Matthew 25:19 - "After a long absence, the master of those three servants came back and settled up with them.

Matthew 25:20 - The one given five thousand dollars showed him how he had doubled his investment.

The seed of distinction is the potential God has deposited within you to make you great on the earth. It is as you discover and exploit that potential that your distinction on earth will begin to be made manifest! Your talents, gifts and abilities are your potential. There is no single person on earth; believer or unbeliever; who does not have talent, gift or potential:

Unfortunately, you will agree with me that many Christians bury their talents. But yours will bring profit to your life in the precious name of Jesus Christ!

An average person uses only uses about ten percent of his or her potential, but we are not average, because we are created to be above only. That means, we should use more than ten percent of our potential. Inability to exploit his potential was responsible for Adam's inability to fulfil his purpose in life. God placed so much within him but he abused it. And a lot today are doing the same. Many even come to church, clap hands and yet are not using any of what God has placed within them.

In the parable of the talent, we are told that, the Lord gave different talents to his servants. In Luke's account, these talents are measured in monetary terms; and the master gave one ten talents, gave another five talents and the last one talent; and told them, 'Occupy, till I come'. So your talent or potential is what God has equipped you with to reign on the earth. But what did the man who got one say on his master's return? 'Master, I know you are a wicked man, you reap where you did not sow; so I buried it'.

Your father cannot be omnipotent and then you are impotent. God cannot deposit His all into you and then you fail to utilize them.

Many Christians today, have buried their potential; and if they go on like that, not using their potential, very soon they will join the mass hordes of people who have been buried with their potential in the cemetery. Somebody said that the cemetery is the meeting place for wasted and unused talents. There you would find great singers who never sang; great scientists who never were; great writers who never wrote; great preachers who never preached; great leaders who never led! Unused potential decay away in the cemetery.

God desires that you should be great. God desires that you should be successful. He desires that you should be the pacesetter. And God expects that you should do certain things to become what He wants you to be. God has a plan for you, but the choice to fulfil it is yours. If you have a child and the child does not fulfil the purpose for his or her creation, the parents and society in general would be disappointed. In the very same way, God is disappointed with many people, because they are not fulfilling the purpose for which they were created.

A Christian is not supposed to be a failure. You are Christ-like, that is why they call you a Christian. That means, if Christ came here and was not a failure, it is a sin for a believer to be a failure. There is no excuse you can give for failure. Could Christ sit for an examination and graduate with a third class? No! He was only twelve years old when He sat in the Temple trading questions and answers with the professors, doctors, and learned persons of his day, and the Bible says,

Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. -- Luke 2:47

Could God put in a tender for a job and they shove it under a box and He says, 'the people want bribe?' No! So, why do we bear the name of Christ but live lives that clearly show that we do not know the One whose name we bear? The reason is that we have not discovered our potentials.

It was indeed a rewarding and insightful moment in church yesterday. My life had a paradigm shift. Yesterday got be looking like this..PicsArt_06-17-04.08.17.jpg

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