#STEEMGIGS: I will share the Importance of Faith to those who believed in Christ.

in #steemgigs6 years ago (edited)

As christian, one of the the fundamental root or foundation in serving God is Faith. So what is faith and why is it important? For us to be called a christian, we must have faith but what is faith? Let us explain first what is faith?

For believers, faith starts a chain of events that ultimately leads to heaven:

  • By faith through God's grace, Christians are forgiven. We receive the gift of salvation by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  • By trusting wholly in God through faith in Jesus Christ, believers are saved from God's judgment of sin and its consequences.
  • Finally, by God's grace we go on to become heroes of faith by following the Lord into ever greater adventures in faith.

"Faith is the opposite of doubt and it is an object-oriented response, shaped by what we trust in,

namely Jesus Christ (Christians)."

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1 | NIV

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Hebrews 11:6 | NIV

Here are some points for us to know about the importance of faith.

1. If we have faith, We can Please God.

Hebrews 11:6 King James Version (KJV)

6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

It probably mean that without faith, we cannot please God and it is the only way for us to do it. We can do anything for others or even God but if we do it without faith it is nothing. Everything we do, it should be without doubt because God can do anything.

2. If we have faith, to live forever.

Galatians 3:11 New International Version (NIV)

11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”[a]

3. If we have faith, We will become Children of God.

Galatians 3:6-9 King James Version (KJV)

6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.
9 So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.

By great faith in Jesus Christ we are regarded as sons of Abraham thus, sons of God and we are blessed by God and the blessings God to Abraham falls on us and all the promises to Abraham too will be ours.

4. If we have faith, our prayers will be answered.

God answers prayers of people with great faith in Him.

Mark 11:22-24 New International Version (NIV)

22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. 23 “Truly[a] I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

5. If we have faith, we will be Justified

Romans 5:1 New International Version (NIV)

5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

6. If we have faith, we have assurance of salvation.

Hebrews 10:39 New International Version (NIV)

39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

6. If we have faith, our sins will be forgiven.

Mark 2:5 New International Version (NIV)

5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”





Matthew 17:20 New International Version (NIV)

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”




this post was made on STEEMGIGS Where everyone has something to offer

Yet, there is now irrefutable, released proof from several governments, including America, Japan, China and Russia that more than one advanced civilization of beings alien to Earth have been visiting us since ancient times, work with 4 major countries, in top secret locations and have been completely outed by honorable ex military pilots, ex Nasa Scientists, highly intelligent and specially gifted adults who worked directly with aliens in their youths, and well, the now authenticated & completely irrefitable sources of evidence, spread around Earth, from ancient drawings and artifacts all the way through Earth's history showing the very obvious answer that we simply are nowhere close to being alone in the Universe and that, in fact, we absolutely know, have met and work with at least one of three known civilizations from different planets and areas of the Universe who have all converged on Earth for millions of years. Watching and aiding our race of humans in technological advancements in order to join the rest of advanced societies in our Universe. The gig is up, and your historical book, the bible is filled with accounts of alien interaction all the way through it from near start of man up to present times. After 47 years of dreaming to meet or see them one day, they gave me an amazing opportunity to see my own incredible encounter of evidence that they are here and here to stay. Last March 17, at approximately dusk, my cat began staring passed me into the sky with a unshakeable gaze through the living room glass as I sat on my balcony having a cigarette with my back to the to the backyard facing the window. My cat continued to stare son intensely and without a movement of any kind, even when I got up and waved my hand in front of his face from outside the window. His gaze and stiff attention didnt waiver at all or take any notice to me. So, I wondered what was so interesting and turned to the backyard which had the Neckar River directly in front of me, a small mountain of grape vineyards across the river from me, and then my eyes quickly darted to exactly what my cat had been so solemnly transfixed with. Completely silently, without any movement at all hovered a UFO with lights running along the front of it in a perfect Chevron shape. Now, don't jump to conclusions yet, as I am one of the most exact and prudent analyzers and a masters of description using the English language. This was in no way whatsoever a ship from Earth or that any man had dreamed of making, except maybe with our alien bretheren at Area 51. Its span, across what was surely the front of the craft, from end to end and hovering ver low over the hill perfectly straight across from me was several times larger end to end than any aircraft man has ever even dreamed of getting into the air. It's tough to give an exact length, but in pretty close estimation, it spanned the distance just above the trees of at least 2 or 3 football fields end zone to end zone. There is absolutely no airplanes, baloons or any other manmade air ships that come even close to the enormous size of what I was now staring at with mouth gaping wide open as incredible elation overtook me to the point of tearing up with happy and excited tears. The definitive space craft from somewhere else in our Universe simply hovered there above the treeline of the top of the mountain for what seemed like forever, but was probably about a minute. It was directly lined up perfectly straight across from my apatrment building, and as you'll read proof of in a moment, seemed to be purposely aimed directly at me for my apparent proof of what I've personally believed and kbown since I was 5 and had the reported ability from 2 to 6 years old to tell people things I was seeing in my head taking place either elsewhere at that moment or within the next few minutes. Proven and witnessed by my parents who hysterically took me toba neurologist and psychologist at 5 years old to possibly find a reasonable explanation for my ESP abilities then. No one had answers apoarently, so my parents told me secretively when I got older. My strong ability to just report info to my parents about what I could see someone we knew doing miles away at the same time I was with one or both of them caused at least my father to believe I was different from most. Even my heart and sensitivity has been overly enpathetic and compassionate MOST of my life, and I consistently result with the exact same IQ quotient as I have since my parents had me tested in first grade for never paying attention in class drawing pictures and writing short stories starting that year. I dont want to list my IQ score here as that is not my main focus of my response to your lovely, but complete evidentially proven false faith in the viblical version of a God, or as we mighy call him now, highly advanced being from somewhere else in the Universe who knows how to access the 5th dinension two young scientists recently managed to crack into on an extremely minute scale....currently. As we all know, the incredible speedy changes and advancements through scientific discoveries has really taken the world through a whirlwind of exyremely faster, unanticipated and more shocking advancements in genetics, gene alteration, and ridiculously quick technlogical advancements putting mankind closer to our advanced universal allies from other places in space ever more powerfully evident of govermental contact with extremely advanced beings than we ever imagined, except in movies. Returning to the ship staring directly at me, now in the story, and yes, my cat still transfixed on what he also saw out the window I didnt even think to go in and grab my phone lest the ship disapeared while i was gone for a camera. No, I believed it quite evident that these beings in their space ship purposely set up camp hovering completely silently, and quietly with its wide array of lighting in order for me to finally witness what already knew in my heart but had only dreamed since I was 5, of seeing. Yeah, they were as aware of who they chose to purposely reveal their 100% proven existence now to me. Oh, I know, how boastful right? Sorry, but besides my uncanny 48 years of never feeling completely human or intelligently in touch with most of the people Ive met in extensive worldly travels over the past 29 years, yes, we are getting to my other point of how I know they were looking at me, finally answering my never-ending verbal callouts to the sky to show me their undeniable existence for about 42 years at that time. So, i stoid transfixed in a stare of amazement like my black cat and then just as I started to yell out to the ship to please take me with them, the lights across this unearthly monstrous chevron shaped alien space craft quickly flashed all its vast lighting at me like a wink, then slowly faded out all its lights, until I could only see its silhouette against the backdrop of darkening skies over the hill. Then without a single movement, sound or lights, it simply disapeared into thin air and all that was left in its place were the stars that had been hiding behind the unearthly sized craft. Poof, into thin air they and their ship just disappeared without a trace, witout its lights it had been glowing towards me and absolutely no evidence or trace of movement in any direction. I only saw a starty sky now where a hovering, disapdisappearing UFO, with at least a width that either came close to or outspanned the height of One World Trade Center. Yes, it was that big. It obviously must be equipped with a cloaking device much more advanced than those which scientists have already created and are recently introducing as much more advanced forms of cloaking both man and our military weapons and fighter/bomber planes. Oh yeah, maybe you didn't even know that yet. Guess what my earthly relatives??? I read about scientific discoveries, rezearch and technological advancements through out each day along with several other article topics to be sure I always stay abreast of the most recent discoveries, and advancements to help extend and boost man's survival and never-ending existence in our Universe along side our much older allied alien neighbors. There you have it good and faithful servant of a Biblical God that has done more harm to his supposed human creations from dirt and a rib, than any alien has even attempted to do to our civilization over millions of years. Instead, my concept of a real and truly loving power helping us greatly advance at pinpointed, recorded times in man's history are our much older Universe traveling examples of true compassionate, empathetic, and forever helpful friends from another mother. Or however they create life where they originate from. In fact, according to a few eye witness military accounts, our young, foolish, obtuse and dangerous taught forms of defense of mankinds "safety" and 'secrecy" has ended up killing and harming some alien allies by mistake back when our advanced society started receiving new batches of visitations from several ships and more than one race of aliens showing up the doorsteps of American govermen established properties and airports. We actually shot and killed an unarmed, and what turned out to be a harmless short built Grey at a military air base in the 50s, out of uneducated and ignorant fright of what was at that time a growing appearence of UFOs and aliens returning to see and study how mankind had advanced since an older era of mass visitations. How sad. Just like evil racist hearts here on Earth still holding back man's necessary achievement of future global unity for the sake of our survival as an extremely young race of beings, our military treated the aliens triumphant return to us after thousands and possibly millions of years if helping us survive extinction and self analyzation we historically reapproach like a broken spinning record. In fact, the number one reported concern by ex-miltary scientists who came to work with and know these beings personally in mid to late 1900s state that the alien races agreed number one concern with man is our nuclear weapons and constant warring towards extinction sooner than later. Alien races have also heavily stated their concerns that a nuclear war would possibly set off a chataclismic chain reaction reaction through out this Universe harming their survival as well. Three races push for full and complete denuclearzation, but stubborn and paranoid mankind think some alien races have bad intentions toward us. Typical man. Young, passionate, ignorant and unsure of right and wrong still, in 2018. See why Ive never fit into society fully and desire to be with a an extremely advanced, older, more experienced, smarter and more caring race of beings? They are our probable genetic relatives in with plausible percentage of our DNA. Man it is exciting times and soon we will be walking beside our alien friends as our Governments continue to release undeniable military and dept of defense backed proof through videos, once highly secured documented proof and the allowance of previous military and defence leaders in power only 5 to 10 years ago making straight delivered statements in major news stations that indeed we are not and never have been alone here on Earth as a very young civilization. So...keep your bible handy for the only reason that some of its life lessons are beautiful and powerful and a constant reminder of how to treat other humans and aliens who have treated us like their own children for millennia. But, please assure yourself, there is no biblical man crafted God who would do to his own precious creation the downright horrid, unstable and unloving criminal acts against man the biblical God reportedly supposedly committed in his biblical game of hate vs love, good vs evil. He sounds more like an untamed 70s abusive father to me. Yes, Ive studied and read and even once taught the bible myself. Always twinging at its twisted and uncanny accounts of Gods evil games toward his own creation? Oh yeah, which he preplanned from the beginning of time? Riiiiight. I got a bridge in Brooklyn Id love to sell you too.

Sorry, I have Parkinson, and I responded on my phone with my thumbs shaking back and forth, and no ability to see the previous line I had written as I moved on. So, I seriously missed several typos, and due to my dementia, misworded the ending of some sentences, beause I didn't go back to see the point I was getting at in those particular non-sensical sentences in my reply. I actually am a copywriter, author, and blogger, and never release such a horrible example of abuse of the English language. LOL. Rest assured, when I find time again today, I will methodically edit my reply so the typos are all gone, and the sentences I got lost in on my small phone screen make perfect sense. I don't usually reply to religious articles anymore. However, your article showed up in my SMS app this morning and I never, ever get steemit posts in my email or SMS app. This sensibly showed me that you purposefully sent me your article yourself, and I imagine it was your article reply to my steemit post about aliens and bitoin investing I submitted over night. Understanding you intention of sending me your response article, I did feel it necessary to look at your response, and then reply to you. Honestly, I barely got through your response to my earlier article, because Sir, it is filled with all the very typical, simple, and repetitive information and responses that I learned and studied for 9 years as a Baptist Born-Again Christian who taught Sunday School, taught every book of the bible, and attended enough group meetings in 9 years to over analyze each book of the Bible more than once. I wouldn't call myself an expert memorizer of versus, or where to exactly look up issues and lessons throughout the Bible on the turn of a dime. But, I do know it way better than the average man in America, certainly much better than many so-called Christians, and also studied every chapter of it again when I attended Liberty University for my Bachelor in 2013/2014. So, as I began to look over your response above, I began to get a headache, because nothing you mentioned, listed, nor any content you posted was new to me or original in thought at all! Just the same trite, typical Christian responses, and verse labeling, which is actually a very wrong way to teach the Bible or support your concepts on life, because so may versus mean much more within their full context of the entire Bible, and are actually contradicted many times throughout the history of the Old and New Testaments. My wonderful human being of a Pastor, Joe Axtell (may he rest in peace) would always avoid biblical conversations and debate with me, because he could never continue to find the biblical answers and responses to my challenges to his first or occasionally second response to my deeply analytical challenges to the Bible. As my time on the worship team, and as a Sunday school teacher wore on, he more and more avoided and found quick reasons to walk away from my theories and challenges to his strict adherence to the now obvious explanations to many areas of the Bible. Sensible explanations, thanks to increasing intelligence and common sense as time has advanced from then up to present time knowledge. Even most Christians will admit that not everything in the Bible can possibly be factual exactly the way it was written, or described. Which, now, puts a knick in the centurie's old belief that it was perfect,, and believable word for word, ignoring common sense since the day God made man from a bone and dirt (SMH). Something we now know is a falicy for sure. Not even our known alien counterparts who survived and advanced for millions of years longer than Earth and mankind have been around have the technology to make man from dirt and a rib. No, the aliens, and now man with the past two decades of incredible disoveries and growing knowledge know we are made of many things, including stardust from space, and it is looking more and more feasible that either some of the compounds and parts that first caused man to develop didn't even orginate on Earth, or the much more feasible and presently growing proof, supported by our ability to play God in creating life ourselves, and
several scientific findings about our bodies and DNA, along with highly advanced technology that more and more offers us solid evidence that we were creataed with a mix of earthly materials, space materials, and other-wordly materials. Never mind the DNA evidence that some of our genetic make up is not completely from this planet, and therefore had to be brought to Earth, and scientifically built into our DNA coding and structure. Just like blockchains, our DNA is irrefutable proof that we are intelligently designed beings, with unique coding that can't have just been an oops moment in time on Earth, when a bunch of crap fell into a warm soup, and poof, came out intelligent beings, with intricate, mathematically supported & ingeniusly built structures in our bodies, brains, genes, and DNA. Of course, throw in the very proven fact that other much older and highly advanced civilizations seem to love mankind and our planet, and you'd have to come out with a biblical explanation for them, as well as a scientific explanation of how multiple planets had "oops" moments where all the right ingredients fell into a primordial stew, and created life by mistake all over the Universe. I'm not trying to be mean, or break you at all. But, when someone challenges me by sending me their religious article that seemed to be in response to my middle of the night post about God, aliens and crypto miing bitcoin for our future in space, I must accept the challenge to see if you are able to look past simpleton, unabased, and nonsupported concepts from a book written thousands of years ago by much simpler and non-technological humans who could have never grasped the incredible future of man. There are many isntances of proof and mentions in th Bible of alien visitation, control, and dominance here on Earth in the very early days of man. Angels slept with man. No, aliens slept with man. Chariots of fire came out of the sky with eyes...ummm. no way...a spaceship with windows and probably less technologically advanced ships compared to now visited biblical people and those people had no idea how to describe what they saw, and could not fathom in their simple undeveloped brains that only had to be filled with very limited information, compared to what our kids and we as adults learn in a day now, the truth of what they experienced with aliens in their time. Of course, they wrote glamourously, and were scared. Of course flying spaceships and aliens were chariots and angels to them. Do you watch Ancient Aliens at all. I love that show, because they go deeply into biblical accounts, and completely prove that certain stories and occurences were downright impossible back then. How? The very reasonable explanation that we can't even do what they supposedly accompished in absolutely impossible reported amounts of time, and we have greatly advanced mechanics, machinery, robots and computers that still could never build one of the pyramids in the amount of time the bible falsely leads us to believe. Only one explanation reveals how so many gigantic, ancient structures were built all around the Earth, and impossibly shomehow relate to each other in their geometrical sizes, patterns. Even more importantly, the fact that almost all pyramid structures, written to have been built by completely separated civilizations in that era. How the heck did people who never came close to meeting each other in several countries around the world use the same geometrical equations, measurements, designs, and then pointed them all to the exact same star system in the vast Universe. Those ancient pyramids, and pyramid like structures in Africa, South America, Asia, and other places could not have been built by the men of those times, and were not coincidentally all built with the same general measurements, and designs by civilizations who didn't meet up until hundreds of years later. NO! It was advanced alien technology shared around the globe with each of these races of man, that enabled the building and similarities of them all. Sir, there is just an overload of undenicable evidence, along with government officials resoundingly telling us all on major news stations that WE ARE NOT ALONE!!! I wish you much luck in your journey with Christ and God, but please, don't be shocked if in the next couple years, or in your lifetime, you are greeting and socializing with brilliant alien races here on Earth. Good luck!

That's Fire!!!! God will surely bless you Brother. 😁

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