They thought they had found the solution to overpopulation…

in #steemgigs6 years ago


There area unit presently regarding seven billion folks within the world…and that range continues to rise.

Overpopulation will be caused by variety of things, as well as a rise in births, a decline in mortality rates, a rise in immigration, associated/or an unsustainable environs (in this case Earth) and depletion of resources. Why is overspill associate issue? sadly, it's the basis of most environmental and economic considerations, such as:

  • Over-harvesting of timber
  • Depletion of oil
  • Loss of tillable land
  • Ocean depletion
  • Food and water shortages
  • Air and pollution
  • Flooding
  • Plant and animal environs loss
  • Extinction of different species
  • heating
  • Unsustainable debt-based economies
  • Poverty
  • Starvation
  • Disease
  • Elevated crime rates
  • Mortality

“The world population is presently growing by seventy four million folks each year – the equivalent of a town the scale of point of entry each 3 days.”
-ABF U-Pack Moving

The answer

When I say answer, it’s not as black and white because the word implies. answer tends to imply “fix,” that within the case of overspill the sole thanks to actually fix the matter would be to cut back the quantity of individuals. Since that's not a viable choice, “solution” extremely means that “maintenance” during this case. therefore once I say answer, I mean what's being done and what you'll do to assist the cause. Let’s begin with what's being done:

  • Government policies: several believe the solution is in government policies which will guarantee current and future human wants area unit met. These policies revolve around world problems like financial condition, agriculture/food, environmental considerations, and access to procreative health.

  • Accessibility to sexual health care: There area unit unnumerable organizations dedicated to serving to girls and youth have access to sexual and procreative health care. Over a hundred and fifty million couples don't have access to birth control worldwide, therefore some recommend a rise in procreative services would be very important to the cause. within the most extreme cases, some governments have place restrictions on copy, like China.

“Unlike plagues of the Middle Ages or up to date diseases we have a tendency to don't however perceive, the fashionable plague of overspill is soluble by means that we've discovered and with resources we have a tendency to possess.”

  • theologizer King, Jr – May 5, 1966

-Environmental protection and analysis for various resources: A population will solely grow the maximum amount as its resources, therefore varied initiatives area unit aimed toward conserving the setting (which is being broken by this overspill issue) and searching into various property resources. By decreasing our reliance on non-renewable resources (or ones that don’t reproduce as quickly as we have a tendency to consume them), some organizations area unit trying to find a long answer which will facilitate repair what injury has already been done.

  • Education and empowerment: several believe overspill may be a results of cognitive content and unavailability. therefore to curb it, several recommend that programs aimed toward spreading awareness can facilitate minimize population stresses.

There area unit different solutions perpetually being explored, and it isn’t a one-word answer. Rather, all of those area unit operating along to prevent the overspill crisis.

Next: What you'll Do

What you'll Do

While overspill is essentially a problem that's larger than the individual, there area unit many belongings you will do to support the collective cause, such as:

  • Minimize your consumption
  • Use birth control
  • Do all you'll to guard the setting

You can conjointly create a distinction by supporting the organizations and initiatives that have an effect on amendment. however are you able to support them? Any approach you'll. that would embrace things like donations, volunteering, spreading awareness among your social circle, or perhaps organizing a fundraising event. Fundraising concepts abound and area unit solely restricted by your imagination.

Here area unit a number of the organizations that area unit serving to curb overpopulation:

  • UNFPA: The United Nations Population Fund promotes equality for all folks. Its mission is to assist governments by grouping info regarding totally different populations (think censuses), providing sexual procreative attention to girls and youths, and birth control. Here is associate in-depth article they free regarding the population as of 2011.

  • Population Institute: The Population Institute educates policymakers and also the public regarding population and promotes universal access to birth control, education, and services.

  • The artist|ornithologist|bird watcher|artist|creative person} Society: Th Audubon Society aims at protective the environs of plants and animals, addressing the stressors that the population puts on these species.

  • Worldwatch Institute: The Worldwatch Institute provides info to decisionmakers regarding environmental considerations by developing and dispersive knowledge and methods on topics like global climate change, resource degradation, increment, and financial condition.

For an inventory of a lot of overspill organizations, cross-check this list from WOA.

“4.5 Earths would be needed to support a worldwide population living like a mean resident of the U.S.”


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This is such a well researched and considered piece, you make a lot of good points that really get you thinking. The point that the planet can't sustain the lifestyle, but could sustain the life is a very good one, and very true!

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