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RE: Drugwars meh

in #steemgg5 years ago (edited)

fine i changed my title and my post and ill even give your comment an upvote but i still disagree with drugwars being a "game" at all

and i donts ee any of my buildings, dunno, thats why i thought that?

but fine i will just have to ask drugwars people how their game works so i can make a similar game and we can see if they like my game when i start changing the rules and switching to new steem engine currency lol

if this is a GAME, where you can just change the rules whenever, and tell people they "won" because they bought something, meh, then i am not interested in supporting "games" on steem then BUT its NOT a game... and i wont let drugwars drag us down with them

drugwars should have invested all the money they made on a 3d or grapohic element to teh game, to make teh g ame more of a real game

instead i log in to see if i have any of these DWD tokens instead i see that all of the buildings i bought dont matter anymore, sorry but if you are making us buy buildings ALL OVER again what was the point fo buying buildings in the beginning?


Thank you. I understand that not all will ever be satisfied with DW decisions. We may try to make the game work for everyone but pleasing everyone is never going to work.
Your opinion is valid but please consider how this is a beta version of the game which means that game is evolving and changing and upgrading while at the same time players can play it. It is not finished and by playing it, you should expect changes. Of course, you have the option of not playing until the game is completely finished. We explained this several times in our posts and informed our players about it.

I wish you all the best in creating your own game, I am sure if you put a lot of work into it, it will be great. I hope it will come with an SMT of its own too. We need more of those and they will help steem in general. The code of Drugwars is available on Github so feel free to check it out if you need help or inspiration.

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