Ork Hulk (Game 1) Turn 1
Here we go!
This is a complex game, and while any new players are totally allowed to drop in at any point, we ask that you read the rules before deciding to play.
'Ere we go boyz! Da Mek got us to dis Rok alright... no space driftin' for us dis time! Herr herr.
Let's get dat Steem and fight any bugs or spikey boyz on dis Rok.
Oi! Look at dem other boyz... smash 'em!
Looks like it's Ork on Ork action! Get the Steem for the Mek.
Quick Summary relevant to this turn:
- Players can move 5 squares in a turn.
- Players can not occupy the same square as an enemy or another player.
- Players can also choose to shoot or charge into hand to hand combat. A charging player moves 6 squares and gets a +1 to wound.
- Players can find weapons or armour and pick them up by moving onto that square. Players can choose to pick up the new weapon or keep their current weapon.
- Players will always keep their knife.
- Players must stop on that square to pick up the new weapon... but can use it immediately.
- Enemies have 1 wound.
- Enemies will only move towards Players in their line of sight.
- There is no friendly fire.
- Players move first. Enemies move after all players have completed their actions.
- Players will have 24 hours to list their actions in the comments.
- Move turns are based on which players comment first.
- After 24 hours the enemies will take their actions
Name | Melee | Range | Roll to wound | Special rules |
Knife | Yes | 1 square | 6+ | |
Slugga | Yes | 3 squares | 5+ | Two shots |
Shoota | No | 6 squares | 5+ | Two handed. Two shots |
Power Klaw | Yes | 1 square | 3+ | |
Frag Grenade | No | 4-8 squares | 5+ | 9 square AOE |
Grenades must be thrown a minimum of 4 squares so they don't wound the player.
- Players must comment their actions. @daclawboyz will either roll on their behalf and work out the results or they can use the @rollthedice bot.
Click on the image to get a bigger version
Annnnnnd, two close ups!
Feel free to ask any questions! Otherwise WAAARGH!
All images on this page have been created by @daclawboyz for Ork Hulk.
Thanks for playing!

This work is licensed under a Creative. Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Move one square south and 4 squares east please.
too bad I can't get to the Frag grenade in a single turn. that would have been a phenomenal way to start XD
I'm assuming the bad guys can move 5 squares too ?
I'm going to move East 5 times.
Hahaha, it's true... you'll have made an explosive entrance for sure.
Yes... the bad guys act in the same way as players, except they can't pick up weapons and only have the 1 wound.
K. that means I did the right thing.
Given how far they would have moved, they'd be in the danger zone for the grenade if I picked it up next round.
Can we move2-shoot-move3 with our actions ? or how does that work again ?
only thing I'm not completely sure about.
You did... because you would have also been in range of Ork 7 on the way to the frag grenade.
No, so do all your movement, and then your fighting actions. I thought a simplified ruleset would be best for the first game, but we might introduce follow up moves for close combat in future games (ie, if you charge, kill your enemy, you then get a followup 2 square move). We'll see how this plays out.
I'll move 4 squares East and 1 square South.
Believe it or not, about 10 minutes went into thinking out those moves, counting tiles and calculating what the best route would be. Though it went a lot faster when I noticed that small update-pic you posted - that helped a lot!
Naaww, I love that you're putting in such great effort to get it right. Here's where we are after all player moves.
Drat! I mistakenly thought the updated pic had already shown @happyme's moves, but looking at this new updated pic I see she's somewhere different than I thought she'd be!
guess we'll just have to clobber those orks before they can get to her!
Ah sorry, I can see how that was confusing... HappyMe started just slightly east of the teleportal and moved 5 squares east. She's in charging distance of that first knife ork but they'll need a 5+ to wound even with the charge.
Move 5 spaces East.
1). I need a 5 or higher to use the Slugga?
2). When we attack with a knife we need a 6 to hit and we are in the adjacent space, or we move INTO the pace of the enemy with the extra move?
3). You say we get a +1 damage for attacking with a knife? Does that mean we LOSE a point or gain a point? We start with 3 and lose 1 each time we get hurt and die when we have none left, correct? So when we attack do we automatically get HURT or GAIN an extra to make it 4 points?
4). After moving 5 spaces can we still shoot? When a weapon says 2 shots, does that mean 2 per player turn?
1.) To use the slugga, your enemy needs to be within 3 squares and you'll need a 5+ to wound the enemy.
2.) So close combat works like this:
3.) Ah, you've lost me on question 3. Each player has 3 wounds, each enemy has 1 wound. A player will never have more than 3 wounds... however, if they pick up armour or a force field then the enemy has a -2 modifier on their dice roll. So a knife wielding enemy Ork can't hurt a player with armour or force field, and an enemy Ork with a big shoota will need a 6+.
4.) Yes. All players and enemies move and then shoot. If a weapon says 2 shots or 4 shots, then they get two dice rolls to roll wound. These shots can be taken one at a time, or all together, into one target or multiple targets. It's totally up to you.
Great questions!
You've made me realise that the Burna might be a touch overpowered (maybe) and I didn't think of a scenario where a Burna vs Armour/Force Field... I think I'll adjust the rules that a Burna wounds on a 3+ if the target has armour.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
@pandorasbox and @happyme - my apologies, I meant to mention all the players in this post. We're good to go!
Since all players have moved I won't worry about waiting 24 hours for the next post.
Ork 1 charges @happyme.
Ork 2 moves 5 squares.
Ork 3 moves 5 squares.
Since Ork 1 charged, it gets the +1 modifier for charging, and so will wound HappyMe on a 5+.
Regardless of this outcome, HappyMe and Ork 1 will remain in Close Combat(melee) until one combatant dies. Ork 1 can not be shot at, but can be charged by other players. Extra actors in close combat get an extra +1 modifier if they charge into an existing close combat fight.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
Ork 1 fails to wound HappyMe.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.