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RE: VIDEO> Steem Forest giveaway. [week 2]: 8 Steem in the pool

Great giveaway idea and we hope people are participating. Our sunnies aren't doing too well as another five have died since we replanted them to the ground last week. We're down to 8! And only 1 is really excelling! 🌻
Don't know if we have time to plant a tree in the next 3-4 days as we just came back from a holiday and we both have plenty of work (work work and Uni work) to do! Hopefully, there will be another giveaway soon! 😊


hey you roo, I hope the holidays were good and work isn't too much of a chore. I am glad at least one sunflower is growing really well.
No worries about planting this week if you don't have time. I am making this a weekly occurrence :)

Hey! All is well! Just came back from Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand. We went up there for an extra long weekend to celebrate the Thai New Year (Songkran). Although, it is Tuesday, it felt like the Monday blues, no motivation.
We're going to try to save the last 8 sunflowers and care of them as much as we can.
That's good to hear that this will be a weekly occurrence and we'll be sure to participate in one! 😊

oh nice for the Thai new year, is that the one with all the water?

Yes, that's the one. April 13-15 every year, but this time 14-15th was a weekend, so celebrations were longer as 12th and 16th were used as substitute days. Big water fights all over town. The only way you wouldn't get wet is if you stayed indoors for those days.

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