
Why are you buying votes? Why do you think your comments deserve upvotes? And how do you think responding to bid bot abuse warrants accusations of nazism? It appears you do not know what words mean.

Why are you a fascist engaging in #abuse? Please stay on and do not come to Why should I tell a #thug #punk like you anything?

You keep using words in ways that demonstrate your utter lack of comprehension regarding their definitions. What is fascism, and how is downvoting your bid bot abuse and inane insult comments an example? Be coherent. Please.

I think a Nazi can refer to someone who supports Fascism which would be someone like you who opposes #freedom and supports #abuse.

Don't worry though tomorrow I will likely be focused on and the price of the leo token and not worry about helping out and the price of the Steemtoken. I did see a tiny glimmer of hope but no biggie. Please move on with your life. I think I am done with after this comment and my post. :)

  1. In what way have I opposed freedom?
  2. How does your vague comment of "opposes freedom" offer a definition for fascism?
  3. If your definition of fascism requires references to the Nazis, you are ignorant of economics, politics, and history.

"Thing I dislike = fascism" is as absurd as "thing I dislike = socialism." Please move on with your life and stop buying votes or applying nonsensical labels. Learn rhetoric, history, economics, and logic. As a librarian, I can offer some helpful resources.

Bidbot usage
Bidbot usage = freedom
I am open to suggestions but captivity doesn't sound right to me. lol

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