Filmmaker's Diaries!! - I Got a Stabiliser!! ( 26 June 2018)

in #steemfilm6 years ago (edited)


Today the diary is going to be short and sweet, but quite exciting.

Today, while I was working on the clothing brand, taking a daily break from the real estate videos endeavour, I hard a noise… not just any noise… a noise that is both pleasant and annoying. This noise is the doorbell and luckily for me today it was a very pleasant sound to hear.

I opened the door and there was the carrier guy holding a box, for a few seconds I wondered if it was my business cards (that should arrive tomorrow) … but when I got a good look at the box I knew. It was my stabiliser. (Bought with steem money by the way)

I can’t believe I have it… just a few days ago it was a picture on the computer and now it’s a physical object in my hands.

I order it, from Amazon, three days ago and it’s here.

Quick tip: Before I used to get the standard shipping, that in my country is horrendous… The only complain letter I ever wrote to a company was to Amazon, asking to change the carrier. ALWAYS late, many times lost… every single time I had to call them and get frustrated to get my things. Once they told me to go get it 60km away… I kid you not.

Now, for a few months, I get the express delivery and get it immediately and hassle-free. The best thing, it cost one euro more… the phone bills calling the other guys alone where much more than that.

The tip: That extra euro in express delivery is well worth it.

Back to the matter.

Now I have a steady cam!! Seems unreal... I can remember when the first consumer ones came out… now I have one. It’s quite a specific skill that you really need to practise. So that’s what I’m going to do. Practise a lot in the next days. I might post some test here. And very soon I will use it in a real estate videos.

A must-have tool, that I now have.

Also, I believe most monetary investments regarding the real estate video company, are made. Just need to upgrade an email thing and get a battery. And again… Got it all with steem.

So, I’m very happy!!

Thank you all for ready!! And thank you steam for being here and allowing this opportunity!!

Hope you’re all having a fantastic day!!

2 Bamboo Logo.jpg

As always, thank you for reading.

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All images (except Logo) are from


Hello @maxjoy, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much I'll have a look at the magazine!!

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