Steemfiles : Can't Sell your Digital Stuff?

in #steemfiles6 years ago

Steem Files Could Rise Again

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What was Steem Files?

Steem Files used to be a way for users to pay for and immediately get copies of digital goods. Although there were a few books that I thought some users would like on the site, there were so few sales, it became apparent that the Steem community were not interested in paying each other for digital downloads. Perhaps the community is too small or maybe it is from many years of wide availability of high-quality free software, and the mass availability of both software and other forms of media which are not free but can be easily downloaded or watched anyway without paying.

Who should want to use Steem Files and Why?

Indeed? Who the hell wants to pay for a book and reward an author when you can go to bittorrent, or Youtube and watch copyrighted material without paying. Youtube had won a case against the RIAA in court, so users can upload music from all of the artists whose CDs sell in stores. Why pay for music? Why pay for books?

Is it Grisham's Law in action? If a user has cryptocurrencies and credit cards, but feels the cryptocurrency will go up in value, it makes sense for the user to part with the fiat money first. So, instead of Steemfiles, they go to More selection after all.

My Service for the community

The economic model that works, involves getting money out of the reward pool. We can help each other in a way that benefits us both.

  • A better editor for your posts: An editor that gives you a tool bar so you don't need to remember how mark down works.
  • A view of trending posts showing real author profit rather than the extremely skewed value shown on the page
  • Other ideas are welcomed!

Ways to recover cost of Servers

When bitcoin fees were high, the service I was using for the server was charging a cost in coins that was much higher than the price they told me in fiat when I was paying with altcoins. It was Steem! They wanted to charge me a higher transaction fee than there was with BTC when the blocks were full!

I will probably go with, I like them. If I keep everything client side (apart from blockchain), I don't need VPS. That is possible. I have been spending more time looking for paid work, so no time to work on or maintain steemfiles. See the problem?

Coding for Hire

If you need a coder, I'd be glad to help you. Send a small amount of money to @leprechaun and in the memo tell me what you need. If I am not interested, I'll send it back. If you are offering a service to me where I should pay, I'll keep it. If I get paid in this area, I'll probably learn things I wouldn't otherwise bother looking at and possibly get better maintaining the site.


Donations are welcome and donations to @steemfiles will go to some webhosting solution.

Help you get followers

I could offer a cheap "follow everyone service". I could make you follow everyone on Steemit for $50. Just send it with the memo please make this follow everyone. I did it before with the steemfiles account and got 5000 follow backs this way. It will make your 'feed' useless to you though.

Getting a peice of your post rewards

Beneficiary amount could be redirected to @steemfiles at a rate of 5% for each post made through this service. If you are making $100 off a post, you can give me five surely.

Post votes rewards

Just post and you guys vote. Automated posting doesn't work and manual posting doesn't often work either. So, that's an option shutdown.


Finally, advertisement support. This is something I had avoided.

See also

Get some Swift with an ad free faucet:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63651.41
ETH 2679.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80