Steemfield Round 3 Results

in #steemfield6 years ago (edited)

Proposal #3 has passed with no opposition!

The final vote (by weight):
in favor: 3.000
against: 0.000

The rule has been added to the rule set below and now is in effect. The next proposal phase has now started. This phase will continue for the next 48 hours. Users are permitted to submit their proposals via comment to this post.

Here's the updated current land distribution. Congrats to the players that received more LAND this round. Remember that there's still plenty of LAND to giveaway and plenty of time to get a little for yourself.

@lextenebris: 6 LAND (+3 LAND)
@eonwarped: 4 LAND (+2 LAND)
@kipswolfe: 2 LAND (+2 LAND)
@bengiles: 1 LAND (+0 LAND)
@pbock: 1 LAND (+0 LAND)

The game is still young and open for the taking. Right now, Steemfield is an agreeable utopia with little dissent, so feel free to jump in or out as you please! If you have any questions or want to join the conversation, I highly recommend checking out the Totem Forest Discord.

field533541_640 1.jpg
Look at that beautiful LAND!

Meta Rules will stay the same throughout the game. Game Rules can be altered through proposals.

Steemfield Meta Rules:

  1. The controller of the totem (Me) is not a player.
  2. The controller of the totem must behave according to the rules established by the players and those established by the beginning of the game.
  3. The person controlling the totem can dissolve the totem at any time thus ending the game.
  4. The person may relinquish control of the totem to another person. The rules apply to the updated statuses of both people.
  5. A rule change will occur once per round, each round is a minimum of three days (72 hours). A rule change is defined as the addition, subtraction, or replacement of a single rule.
  6. Rule changes are voted upon within proposals that the totem publishes. Every player can vote in favor of the proposal, against the proposal, or simply not vote.
  7. The totem will publish the result of the vote after each round as well as the current rule set.
  8. The proposal period will start immediately after a results post. The voting period will start immediately after a proposal post.
  9. Players can only vote once per voting period and propose one proposal per proposal period.
  10. The game cannot start without 3 or more players in the game.

Steemfield Base Rules:

  1. In order to become a player in the game, any user must delegate any amount of Steem Power to the totem.
  2. Any player is free to leave the game at any time by removing their delegation from the totem.
  3. Any player is free to leave the game at any time by removing their delegation from the totem. Their LAND shall be distributed to the remaining players in the opposite way LAND is delegated at the end of each round (i.e. one LAND to the youngest player, one LAND to the next youngest player, etc.) until the leaving player's LAND is zero.
Voting and Proposals
  1. Only players can vote on rule changes.
  2. The maximum amount of effective delegated power is 1 Steem Power.
  3. The proposal for a rule change only passes if the total sum of voting weight in favor exceeds the voting weight against.
  4. The voting weight of a player is the square of the effective delegated power.
  5. Players with less accepted proposals will have their proposals selected over players with more accepted proposals.
  6. A player's proposal will then be accepted by the amount of effective delegated power. If this is still tied, then the player who has been in the game the longest shall be granted preference.
  7. The proposal period is 48 hours.
  8. The voting period for a proposal is 24 hours.
Totem Behavior
  1. The totem account cannot perform any operations outside of those specified in the meta rules and the rules.
  2. The totem account may accept rewards from comments and posts.
  3. The totem account is the final judge on rule interpretation and resolving conflicts in rule contradictions and conflicts. These resolutions will published be in the next results post.
  4. The totem account may comment as they please, but can only post proposals and results.
  1. Each player will be rewarded with 1 LAND at the end of each round. This will be given from the oldest player to the newest player until LAND runs out.
  2. The totem account will keep track of the LAND of each player and publish these in the results post.
  3. There will be a total of 100 LAND total given away by the totem account.
  4. The cap on total LAND is 100.
  5. Any player to get 51 LAND wins the game.
  6. Any player can gift any LAND they possess to any other player.
  7. If the totem decides a player is not following the rules, they will be denied receiving 1 LAND at the end of the round.
  8. Any round in which a player does not make a proposal, half of their LAND, rounded down, will be redistributed to the players who did make a proposal in the next Totem update, in the same way that new LAND is allocated (from oldest player to newest player, one by one).
  9. If a player recruits a new player, which will be determined by the new player mentioning who referred them, the new player and the referee are granted 1 LAND each.
Rewards Allocation
  1. The totem account must set all comments and posts to 50% SP / 50% SBD.
  2. The winner of the game shall receive all liquid currency the totem has accumulated as a result of the game when they win.

Implementation Details


Proposals will be made by commenting (no posting) on the results post using the following format. All relevant content must be separated from the rest of the comment by line separator(s) (three or more dashes) as well as the curly brackets with the proposal and type inside separated with a colon. You should also include the effected rule (by section & number OR by quoting the rule) if the proposal is a replacement or subtraction. Remember there are rule change types: ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, REPLACEMENT. All discussion and reasoning should occur outside the line separators.







Replacement: Gameplay, Rule 4

The cap on total land is 500.

I think that the cap on land is too low and given the number of players in the game, individuals will struggle to get to even double digit LAND.


Voting is rather straight forward. You simply comment below a proposal either YES or NO within curly brackets. You may then add anything else to that comment that you desire. Note that voting more than once (or proposing for that matter) may result in punishment by the totem (see rule changes above).



Because the cap on LAND is too low and I really want some more LAND.

Other Actions

There are other actions that one may perform in Steemfield. Chiefly, referring friends and gifting LAND to other users.

A referred player should use the following tag to signal who referred them underneath a post written by the totem:


To gift land, a player simply use the following tag with a target amount NUM less than or equal to the amount of LAND they own:


Other Resources:

Delegation Tools
Totem Forest Discord Link
Totem Tools Github



Totem Behaviour

Every round, the Totem must provide a 100% up vote to all Proposal and Vote comments left by players in response to a Totem update which contains a Proposal or Vote.

This is a copy of @lextenebris proposal in the previous round which I think would be a great addition. Yup. Doing it again. I really want this to happen :)


Gameplay, Rule 4

  • The cap on total LAND is 50.

Time to get serious about adjusting the timeline in an agressive manner.

I would actually prefer the game to last longer ;). Think of all the crazy stuff we can do. Although I guess we can always do it next game.

Edit: this actually does what I want hahaha ... Though the rules can always change hmmmmmmm



Allow users to "gamble" 1 land to steal a land from 1 other player, once per proposal round, in the form of a comment on that players proposal using the rollthedice bot.
1-4 your thievery is intercepted and your land goes back to the rewards pool.
5-6 you succesfully steal 1 land from the user.

Might be an interesting dynamic. Maybe adjust to a 50/50 chance ?

I'm just making things up that sound fun.

Does anyone know of a steemit interface that let's me "discard" posts from my feed when I'm done with them or they're older than X days ? As it is its very annoying hwvimg to scroll through everything to see if there are interesting posts, and keeping track of which ones I've interacted with.

Posted using Partiko Android


The meta rules can be changed through proposals.

Why should the game rules have all the fun?

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