
A truly cruel man would point out that we are still in the proposal period and that, technically, voting now before the Totem update with the collated grouper proposals is a rules violation.

I'm not that cruel.

Oh, I hadn't seen that there were different periods for voting and proposing. Darn.

Technically wouldn't that just mean my above comment just doesn't count as a vote, rather than being a rule violation ?

There's no rule against agreeing with a proposal, even if that agreement is expressed using the voting syntax, is there ?

Posted using Partiko Android

I suppose, technically, it doesn't count as a vote – so you may be onto something there. Up to the Totem it in this case because it is underspecified.

There is absolutely no rule against agreeing with the proposal, discussing a proposal or engaging with the proposal – as those things are completely unspecified.

(Honestly, this would only be worth being a stickler over in a truly cutthroat game or if there were automated tools reading the comments and parsing them into some sort of easily managed front end for the Totem. As far as I know, those tools are not completed yet so it's not that big a deal.

It's fun to rib you over, though.)

It's fun to rib you over, though.


Touche sir !

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think there is anything in the rules that says you can't cast pointless votes during the proposal phase. An example of a rules violation would be something in direct conflict with the rules like voting twice during the voting phase or submitting multiple proposals or try to giveaway LAND they don't have.

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