Pushing Myself During Steemfest

in #steemfest6 years ago

Last week was by far the hardest week, but also most rewarding one, I have ever had in my life. I pushed my body and mind to their limits, and way outside the comfort zone I am used to. When I left for Steemfest, I decided that I’m going to suck it up and make the most of the time I have there, no matter how tired I feel, or how much I want to run away from social situations. It’s just one week and I didn’t want to waste a second of it. Spoiler alert: I did exactly what I wanted to and I’m darn proud of myself.


For those who aren’t familiar with me previously, should be let known that I am very much an introvert, shy, and socially awkward. People who just met me or saw me last week, probably didn’t notice anything pointing to those traits. Hate to break it to you, but I was faking it. Though the interesting thing was that after some initial shyness, instead of faking it, I was making it. Once I got to know a few more people, I started to relax and really enjoy myself.

In my normal life, I spend the majority of my time either with my camera, or my laptop. You can ask for proof from my real life friends, and they will tell you that it’s quite hard to get me to socialise. I can easily spend a week with the only human contact being either on the internet, the cashier at the nearest grocery store or a food delivery man. I’m very good at entertaining myself.

It’s not that I necessarily hate people, but I am very picky about who I choose to spend my time with. Most humans aren’t up to my standards, so I’d rather spend time with my own wonderful self. I live in a small city, and finding likeminded individuals is not easy. After last year, and especially after last week, I feel like I want to spend time with just Steemians, because they already are a selected punch to start with. The percentage of people I like among Steemians, is much higher than with the regular human kind. You guys are special.

I usually feel completely drained even after few hours of social interactions, especially if they are new people in my life. With Steemfest, I pretty much loved every minute of it, and pushed the feeling of getting strained by it somewhere very deep to the back of my mind to wait until I get back home. Instead of wanting to run away from people to go take photographs alone, or spend time with my computer, I graved for more interactions. There wasn't a single night that I wanted to leave the party and go to sleep. I wanted every night to last forever.


Here is the thing, I’m like a baby. I need a solid 6 to 8 hours sleep per night, and to be fed regularly, otherwise I get cranky. If I need to be, I am very resilient, but most of the time, I live a life of comfort, because I can.

Steemfest felt like a sporting event for my body!

I slept on average three hours per night, and for majority of the time I was awake, I spend on my feet. This princess ain’t used to it anymore! In my previous life I was a chef, so I was always on my feet for long periods of time, but nowadays I spend my time hunched over the laptop.

I wanted to look good so for an added level of discomfort, I was wearing some sort of heeled shoe majority of the time. Nobody made me do it, but I know heels makes for an extra oomph and I like that feeling. I’m usually pretty fine with wearing heels, but wearing them a lot and walking around hurt like motherfucker by the end of the week. My left foot is a quarter of a size bigger than the right one, so I get blisters on that more easily. My pinky toe has a blister the same size as the actual toe, I know, so sexy. But you know, my feet looked cute in heels so that is all that mattered to me.

Because I am blind as a bat, I need to wear glasses or contacts every day. I try to give my eyes a rest at home and wear glasses, but I don’t like that they get in the way, so I opt for contacts a lot of the times. I think it was only the first official day of Steemfest when two separate people asked if I’m high because my eyes are so red. Damn it, I wasn’t and I can’t help that my eyes are very sensitive. On a few nights, I almost had to pry my contacts off with my nails. I know I know, so bad and I could potentially damage my eyes, no need to tell me.

I think my throat got the worst of it during Steemfest. Queue for dirty jokes. On an average day, I spend a lot of time typing, but not so much speaking. I can accidentally go for a few days without actually speaking to anyone. During Steemfest, I think I was speaking almost non stop, that is bound to have it’s toll on the vocal cords, and I know I was not the only one loosing their voice.

Apparently Krakow is one of the most polluted cities in Europe, and I can definitely feel the effects of the smog in my throat. Already after day one of Steemfest, my throat was hurting and it was hard to swallow. Queue for more dirty jokes. The talking and smoking surely played their part too, all contributing to the effects.

I think I actually lost weight during Steemfest, which I of course have no need for, but let it be known, the white wine diet works. I don’t drink very often, and the last time I drank for two consecutive days was a year ago in Steemfest. This year, we went out drinking for five nights in a row, followed by different stages of hangover for five days.

Dear lord I am a dry bitch now! I never drink enough water anyways, and going out that much is pretty damn intense for my body. I think I should be hooked onto an IV for a week now.

Healing time

It will take me a good few days until I am back to 110 percent. Yes, 110, I don’t settle for 100.

I was planning on sleeping like a baby for 12 hours last night, but I think I only got five hours of shut eye, and anything but quality. I feel like I’m suffocating, my head is killing me and I want to shove knitting needles into my ears to stop them from itching.

I’ll spend the following days lounging around, detoxing and trying to nurse myself back to life. I’m so glad I’m a full time Steemian and I don’t have to got to a real job today like most others do.

I hope I didn’t sound like I’m bitching, because I am not! All the pain and discomfort was way worth it, more on that later on.


It was really nice to meet you a bit in the last night party at least. I feel honoured that you gave me one of your cards. I am a bit the same as you. Not used to speak much to other humans. Steemfest has restored a bit of faith in humanity for me 😁 I could even become social after this haha. @yidneth and me are both sick after returning to Spain. I have been all day in bed and with a lot of fever and headaches. It was too much haha. But I don't regret a bit :) I hope you will be 110% very soon. :)

Likewise! It was fun chatting up a little about photography, and your obsession towards Finland, you guys really have to visit some time! :D

AH, I wish I was recovering somewhere warm, instead of rainy Finland. Hope all of us are getting well soon! 🤗

Feeling better today. :) Still far from 110% we have the sun here but not the sauna. yes I hope we will visit one day to see the northern lights... From a sauna... ;-)

A lot better in here too, but a few more days before 110%.

You need to google Glass Igloo Lapland, that is something you should dream about for visiting Finland. I dream of spending a few night in those too!

wow seem to be some heavy day's in poland.... Hope that you will be eve-recover in a few days...

Next sunday we have a Dutch steemians meeting in Rotterdam, but I don't think (hope) it will be that exhausting... Take care (of yourself)

Just imagine being active on ten different chat groups at the same time for five days straight, but in real life :D

I'm sure your meet up will be awesome and a loss less draining.

I think many of us continue to feel the toll on our bodies and minds. My voice is still suffering from all the harsh treatment. Today we travel to Berlin so hoping for a little rest. Fair winds and following seas to you :)

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Yes I’m sure most of us feel pretty ragged after the week of too much fun. Have a great time in Berlin, it’s a wonderful city!

I third this.. I have no voice and am trying to explain to steemians in Serbia that I don’t always look this haggard 😂.. good times though ❤️

They will understand I'm sure of it! :D Besides, looking a little haggard just makes you look more human, and apparently that is a good thing.

Lol definitely!

Hey @eveuncovered - didn't get a chance to meet last week but I read the below and can totally relate:

"For those who aren’t familiar with me previously, should be let known that I am very much an introvert, shy, and socially awkward. People who just met me or saw me last week, probably didn’t notice anything pointing to those traits. "

Not usually considered a shy person, though I do feel it often. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts - good to know we're not alone.

It's funny and weird to spend five days in the same conference, and not meet all the people. 300 doesn't seem that much but apparently it is, I don't think I met even a third!

My favourite thing is when I write something and find people that can relate to what I am saying. I hope you had a fantastic time in Krakow! 🤗

It was great meeting you and I hope to have many more intersting discussions with you about life and art. I'm tired and at work right now. I so wish I was home in bed. I hope your recovery goes well. Hugs.

You too! I wonder what secrets that little black book of yours holds after the week we just had. I hope you get to rest soon too!

Decided to pass on tai-chi tonight since I'm still jet-lagged. It's going to be warm soup, tea, and cuddles. I hope to feel better by tomorrow since it's a long day - a 4 hour class after my work day. I'll be home after 22:00. Take care of yourself. Your audience wants you to be well :)

You don’t sound like you’re bitching! :)

I’m an introvert, too, and one my New Years Resolutions this year was “practice being an extrovert” 😄 That’s not easy at all! The first two afternoons I had to go back to the hotel to take a nap. Too many people and impressions. I missed a lot of presentations, but at least I was fit for the parties at night 😀 Priorities!!

Steemfest makes “faking to be an extrovert” very easy :) Happy to see it worked for you, too!

I’m also a wreck now, though, and will need a few days to recover!

It was great to meet you!

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I don't make new year's resolutions but I would have had the same as you! I've been really trying to get more into social life and feel more at ease while out with a bigger group. It's so much fun once you find the right group, like great Steemians!

.. I told myself the throat jokes privately :)

By the way I can attest to your transformation from day 1 to 5. Our first conversation was a little odd.. then it got way odder hahaha.

For me, I think my body has recovered already (it's used to this kind of battery). My soul is still underground and I kind of hope my voice never recovers past where it is now. I sound like Barry White 😎

What can you do, we both freaks! Such fun conversations.

You are smart for not drinking alcohol, makes the recovery from the trip a lot more easier I'm sure :D

Hey there! Never had a chance to actually talk to you even though we were hanging around! My voice is dead as well, still waking up with sore throat, its time for a lot of tea and good sleep! Gosh, miss our beauty sleep! 😆See you around! ❤️

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300 Steemians, five days, not enough time to meet everyone! In the closing dinner I was looking around and realised I probably don't know even half of the people. But that is alright, we always have next year ;)

Tea and naps, we'll soon be fine! :)

ahahahaha I can SO relate to all of this! I'm totally drained, and the sleep situation was horrible for me too! I need my 8 hours or else I get cranky and am useless. I just got back and slept a full 12 hours straight! I gained weight though (OMG all that food!!) and no exercise, but I am enjoying some silence and alone time now. I enjoyed meeting you name sis, you didn't seem shy or socially awkward at all, and I'm glad we got to hang out a little bit!!!!! BTW love that tat on your leg!

Eves need their beauty sleep! It was so good to meet you in real life, and I think other people were pretty excited about having two Eve's too 😝

yes we do ahahah. It was fun to have 2 Eve's even if some got confused (and others got happy like you said lol)

I think you really explained it perfectly.. and I relate to all of this. I think you completely achieved what you set out to do.. and as someone who has the same social weirdness.. I can say that you rocked it! It was so amazing meeting you and spending an amazing week with you. Hope to see you again soon! 😘

It's funny that a lot of our people say the same thing, being socially awkward, but most of us were doing really well with it on Steemfest! I'm so proud of all of us!

I really need to drag my ass to US at some point, now that I know so much more people from there<3

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