in #steemexlusive3 years ago



Matthew 9:14-15 NIV version

Then John’s disciples came and asked him, “How is it that we and the Pharisees fast often, but your disciples do not fast?”

Jesus answered, “How can the guests of the bridegroom mourn while he is with them? The time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast.
Meaning, "Jesus is telling us we will fast when we need Him – and a fast will be necessary.

Fasting is a spiritual exercise used down through the ages. Where it is correctly applied great things happen that affect time and eternity. Where an individual truly humbles himself or herself in fasting before God, He moves to do awesome things in righteousness.

Fasting draw us closer to God and also help our spiritual life.


There some people in the scripture that fasted and this move God to do great things for them.

  • Esther and other Jews fasted for three day and night and God moved to destroy Haman and all the enemies of the  Jews. Read Esther 4:16.
  • Ezra fasted  to seek completes divine  protection for himself and his team that were carrying treasures to Jerusalem because of the enemies in the way. God saw him through. Ezra 8:21-23.
  • Daniel fasted and prayed, the heaven was opened and he received great revelations from God. Daniel 9:3
  • Moses  fasted twice for forty days and forty night in order to receive the Ten Commandments from God. Exodus 34:28.
  • Our Lord Jesus also fasted forty days and forty nights at the commencement of His ministry (Matthew 4:6). And we can see His ministry changed the world forever.

  • David fasted again and again, and God gave him victory again and again. Psalm 35:13, 69:10, 109:24.

  • The early church fasted and prayed and a great missionary work started across the world that reverberated down through the ages. Acts 13:1-14.
  • Nehemiah fasted and prayed to receive strength, help and favour 8n rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. And he was successful. Nehemiah 1:4.
  • Anna was a prophetess who worshipped God with prayer and fasting, day by day, her Ayes saw the Messiah, the hope of Israel.
  • Paul was in fasting often and he fulfilled his apostolic ministry. II Corinthians 11:27. etc.

It's only fasting and prayer that can make you fulfil destiny.

We are all under the grace, but at the same time we need fasting and prayer so that, that grace would work for us.

"Hebrews 11:6, NIV version
:And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.


Above are some things done by some people in the Holy Bible and how they accomplished using fasting effectively  when they sought God's face.

You too can do the same today and will fulfil your destiny. You need faith to do this.

Thank you for your time.

Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once.


Still Me, @Princefm.

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