Why does my thumbs hurts so much?

IMG_20240727_195702_015.jpgMy thumb

For the past two months, I have been feeling slight pain in my thumbs—I mean, both thumbs. I have ignored thinking it's just a minor pain that would subside after a few days of massages.

My friend started massaging it when I told her, but it seems nothing was happening. I kept managing it until a few days ago, when I couldn't carry my phone to type. I noticed the pain was more severe now.

I have not bothered to see a doctor for recommendations because I didn't see it as serious, but now it's more serious than I could imagine, I think I need to see a doctor. It hurts so much that I was unable to operate my phone until tonight.

IMG_20240727_195919_260.jpgMy thumb

What do you think caused this? I have asked a lot of people, but they seem not to know what it is; I don't know what to call it either.

Please don't tell me it's arthritis because it's not in my blood. I just hope it's not something serious because I can't take it now.

I feel really weak in my hands. Last night I had to lie down like a dead person just because I wanted to rest my hands. I didn't feel myself because each time the pain started, it hurt so much that I would cry in my heart.

IMG_20240727_195948_876.jpgMy thumb

I massaged it with ointment to help ease the pain, but the more I massage it, the more pain I feel. I wish this pain could stop just now. I want to be fine again. I alone feel the pain, and I alone know how and where it hurts.

Or do you think it's too much pressing of the phone? Well, if it is, then there should be others who should be experiencing the same pain. I didn't start blogging this year, so it shouldn't be.

If you know what can stop this pain, please tell me. I do want to feel my thumbs again.


Oh so sorry about that but you shouldn't ignore something like that you should see a doctor at least to help you know the reason why you are feeling pain in your thumb it might be something not serious but at least you need to know so you take action while still early.

Yes my friend, I will see a doctor as soon as possible so I can rectify the issue now it is early.
I appreciate your warm response.

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