in #steemexclusive3 years ago (edited)


It took us days to get over this situation. How devastating it was. We were so entangled in it that there were no other option than to speak to our confused minds. How this happened was a nightmare.

My friend, Ato knew about this and have had similar experience before. Why he didn't let the cat out of the bag was another story for another day, but we were so empty that if any of us had received a beating of his life or any punishment, we would have blamed Ato that he had pushed us into it. But this was more than a punishment and could we have done anything? This was what happened.

It was our third year at the university and were preparing for our final year examination. Grades of colleagues were dropping and we needed to sit up so that ,our parents wouldn't be disappointed with our final results.

Anyhow, my friend was Andrews and Simon. But how we got Ato was through the bread episode. Before University, we were working at the post office as cleaning agents .We were taking hundred Ghana Cedis each, which we thought was ok initially. But our careful consideration with the type of work we do, we concluded, that the amount was very meager. This compelled us to enter into the university to pursue a course which could guarantee our getting good salaries in the near future. However, Ato was a tight friend to Andrews .He came to stay with us three months after we got our job at the post office . It was through Ato's mother's bread that we all became tight friends. This is because Ato's mother always brought some of her bread she bakes every three days to Ato and Andrews. The moment the aroma of the bread burst into our noses ,we couldn't stand but rather beg Ato for one loaf of the three loaves . Which we had for our breakfast. So the three of us became friends with Ato because of the bread ,and it was magical.

As I was saying, we were at the university together and needed to get good grades so that we can get a better job in order to erode the memories of our cleaning job at the post office. Of the three of us who were in the room, Ato was the reserved one.

There was this lady, who used to visit Simon always in our room. The room was very small that ,if a visitor comes to visit us , we couldn't find our own liberty in the room because of how packed the place was . There was one thing I couldn't figure out. Whether Amina was a girlfriend to Simon or not.

I did not want to spoil their friendship by telling Amina not to be coming to our room always. Boys and their girlfriend issues didn't involve a third party,not even a friend. But the truth of the matter was that, our grades in our portal was horrible. Something we couldn't understand. We were part of the endowed class students . But the few who knew us were so confused with the outcomes of our results.

Ato used to drive this mulatto-Amina-girl away from our room and away from our study group. For he knew that, Amina was a partner to a lecturer at our department. If we had known, but Ato never told any of us, but was always furious at Amina and sometimes ended up fighting with Simon. Ato knew the cause of our failures and he knew that Amina was a first class student as well. A first class she couldn't defend.

Why will a lady do that? Her actions showed she loved Simon but she also needed to better her grades . In our department, no one shares a lady with a lecturer . They take what they want and dump what they want to . They were entitled to everything . No one questions them. They are the law makers and law breakers.

How did we realise this ?Just a few days after our departmental papers, a party was organized for the department before our vacation. We needed to be there . That evening ,Amina didn't join us. We went alone. Which was very strange.

When we got there , we formed a circle around one party table. Simon to the left ,Ato to the right and Andrews closer to where I was . But this time , we were so calm which was unusual and no one wanted to outer a word except for the melodious song from Celine Dione that was piercing through the darkness that had crowded the place. Ato had to break the silent with his news because we were fed up. I signed the waiter to serve us with water since we had no money with us and the organizers had not catered for anything except for the music. Before I could sip from the glass I was drinking from,Ato shouted with eagerness . Let us go back to campus! This was unusual of Ato . We had to go back to campus because he meant his words.

On campus, he told us to follow him to where the offices of the lecturers are. Upon getting there , right at the stairs , we heard voices of a young girl which we were sure of and a man "mmh mmh mmh aah aah !'' the exclamations repeated on and on. We got closer. Just at the door of Dr. Hayford, the semantics lecturer, these exclamations "aah aah aah!" were finding their way through the windows and doors of his office.

We were so anxious and wanted to know what was going on. Ato knew a tiny hole where everything in the room showed. This I knew he had been doing for a long time. I was the first to look into the hole. I was surprised and needed to satisfy my curiosity so I had to look again . That mulatto-Amina-girl sitting on a manhood this evening! I shouted . Andrews watched but Simon couldn't . Simon in pain shouted Amina ,you are evil! We fled away. The lecturer got out of his office to verify the noises he heard .I knew Amina was aware of the voice .Sweat on his face. But why will Amina do this? Was she not aware of our grades? She couldn't influence anything to benefit us . These were our rewards.

My grade, my effort, my future,my opportunity have suffered . They were all innocent. My friends also.

Others were still enjoying at the party. But no one messes with a lecturer at the university. Their hatch men are watching keenly.

Another part of the university.......


Thanks to share life experience with us.

You are welcome

Hope u good

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