Should Black U.S. Women Keep Their Heads

in #steemexclusive7 months ago (edited)

Copyright ©️ 2024 Jeff Kubitz, @jeff-kubitz, All Rights Reserved

Would you defend them?

I have. Have you? To the death of need be, how say you?

Should they cut off their breasts? While you sit in awe?

What if they're armed, on P.C.P.?

Robbing a C-Store, or shoot at thee?

Your talk is cheap. I almost lost my life. By expert mass murderers, more than once or twice.

What if the neighborhood, is filled with gangster thugs pushing crack, smack, paradise. Would you sleep there at night?

In East Oakland, you wussy, die in nightmares of fright?

I met my match, one sunny day, she stood next to her mother, clad in Habib, so what I did say?

Fertile as the dawn, eyes dark as cole, about 5'5", long wavy, dark, breasts round and full. No Habib.

She looked up, our eyes locked true, a vise had grabbed us, Cupid's arrow flew true.

Lovely daughter, Madame, I said as I turned away. Took the hand of my wife as I walked away...

Girlfriends so black one dark as coal, call me prejudiced: I call you a fool: Tim Scott, for V.P..(originally said Rick Scott)

No black national anthem in the U.S. be.

It's an insult to soldiers who came from Ft. Sill, and rode down the road you see over there.

Months gone while Jody in his new Cadillac, played me the fool, with it strapped to my back.

It's the first who says yes, be she apache and white.

No a girl in the supermarket, or at the end of a killer's knife, or the whore on the corner, though trafik be she.

Why change the name from slavery?

Charles Manson said, There shall be a war between whites and blacks. He didn't say who caused it but it's obvious, that.

Liberty had to start from somewhere, and isn't it odd, the who wants it is God.

A shot Black Rock Rd., where the Buffaloes roamed.

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