Photo gallery at the birthday event in Gampong Blang with steemian | #club505 #club75 #club100 Power Up

Note : 10% of Rewards Donated @steem.welding To promote steemit and steem to the wider community


photo gallery at the birthday event yesterday with my local steemian and also a professor from Lueng angen. where on the day of the birthday celebration in Gampong Blang with a massive event at the location of education with enthusiasm and liveliness for the support of the steemian who have worked long ago in the socialization of charity activities with Youth and also my region's steemian in participating enliven a birthday event and some of my region's Steemian donated a flower board bearing the Gampong Blang steemian logo in setting aside a little of their opinion from the results hard work to donate one flower board as a form to promote the media platform steemit to the wider community, namely the Gampong Blang Residents and also other communities.

Me as @fajrulakmal99 and also @aril.hatake

Our goal there is nothing but to encourage young people to go directly to the steemit media platform to start working while doing charity and doing charity while working to achieve success for a bright future.

@aril.hatake with great teacher

Well that's my activity in charity and also in sharing photo galleries that I save on my phone. Hopefully what I share can be useful for me personally and also others.

CC @pennsif | @steemchiller | @klen.civil

my best regards


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