Weekly Curation Report by Team 7: Steem 's Angels-2nd week July 2024

Greetings dear friends

It's been an amazing week for my team, it's was our second week working together and using the steemcurator09 account to support quality publication round the platform.

Today I would like to present the report for week 2 from team 7. But before I do, I would like to say thank you to the steemit team for trusting us with this opportunity.

Our team consist of 3 ladies known as steem angels

Team 07 Curators

User Country
@weisser-rabe Germany
@ruthjoe Nigeria
@solperez Venezuela

Week 2 Statistics

For the second week of our curation, our team supported a total number of 214 post and 34 comments.


Total number of 200 publications was supported in communities while 14 publications was supported from users blog.

We detected 2 use cases of “artificial intelligence” during our work and we warned them appropriately.


𝙏𝙤𝙥 7 𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 For 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙚𝙠

Article 1
Date: 8-06-2024
Author: @ifatniza
Country: Indonesia
Post Link: Recipe of the day week24 : onde-onde pumpkin
Nominated by: ruthjoe
Curation window: Expired

The user made a delicious, well designed snack eaten in her home town, adding a little touch of difference to show how creative she can be in the kitchen, she also listed the items used in making this snack and the steps she took in making it. The final result looks so good. Am so impressed


Article 2:
Date 09-07-2024
Author @taina02122
Country Venezuela
Post link: Transcendental footprints. In honor of my mom
Nominated by solperez
Curation window: Expired

In this post, @taina02122, pays tribute to her mother, who, at the risk of losing her life due to spinal surgery, decided to have children, against medical indications, and raise them with love and solid moral principles. . . @ taina02122's mother is no longer on this earthly plane, but she remembers her daily, and now she values her teachings more than ever.


Article 3:
Date 10-07-2024
Author @juancar347
Country : Spain
Post link: In memory of Las Meninas
Nominated by weisser-rabe
Curation window: 2 days left

Juan describes and shows contemporary folklore that is closely related to both the Madrid region and one of the most famous paintings in art history, Velazquez's "Las Meninas". I like eye-catchers like this; we have something very similar in Berlin with a variety of Berlin Bears in the cityscape...


Article 4:
Date 11-07-2024
Author @shahid76
Country: Bangladesh
Post Link: A night mare-horible day of my life
Nominated by solperez
Curation window: 2 days left

@shahid76 tells us in his diary about the bad moment he had on 07-04-2024, when he began to feel severe pain in his chest, which forced him to go to the doctor. Faced with the thought of having a heart attack, @sahaid76 clung to Allah to calm him down. He makes us happy that his prayers have been heard, and that our friend is in a better state of mind and health.


Article 5:
Date 12-07-2024
Author @muksa
Country Indonesia
Post Link: Routine And Watching Kids Play Ball
Nominated by ruthjoe
Curation window : 4 days left

His diary game post tells a story of him been a a lovely husband to his wife, valuing his wife's food over others , it also shows how much he wants to improve and grow his business in other to give his family a better life. Watching his son play football brought back memories of his own childhood.


Article 6:
Date 13-07-2024
Author @bxt
Country: China
Post Link:Revisiting the Children's Library
Nominated by weisser-rabe
Curation window: 5 days left

@bxt runs a really good and varied blog. In this post, she describes memories of beautiful moments from the past that resulted from a chance find. She skilfully links these with the present and social circumstances. I wish her much more support!


Article 7:
Date 14-07-2024
Author @marvinvelasquez
Country Venezuela
Post link: Love Letter #1: This is what Asperger couples are like
Nominated by @solperez
Curation window: 5 days left

In this publication, @marvinvelasquez tells us how Asperger's people fall in love and live with their partners. I found this post interesting, because I think we should all know what we are like internally. So that when we like a person we let them know, so that there are future disappointments, if coexistence is achieved.


Congratulations to all who were selected!!
Thank you all for the support

Regards : Team7

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65269.28
ETH 3441.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62