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RE: Trapped in sickness

I think there's nothing worse than not being able to receive proper medical care in this so-called advanced era. The situation here is somewhat similar. Only if you are rich and can afford private hospitals then you have a chance to be in good hands. There are some competant doctors but mostly poor facilities. During Covid, none of the hospitals took my father in due to shortage of beds and other hospital facilities. We were his doctors and treated him at home. That one month was a nightmare.

I can only pray that you get the needed medical attention and recover soon.


Thank you! 🙏❤️ What worries me the most here is that I actually have no rights in this case. Health insurance is mandatory, I have to pay for it and I do it regardless of whether I have a job or any income at all. Otherwise, there is always a potential legal opportunity for the state to seize everything a person owns, if anything at all (in my case - nothing), but at the very least to take their last remaining money to recover those mandatory obligations to the state. On the other hand, however, when it comes to using these medical services that I pay for, I get this in return - next to nothing or nothing.
To tell you the truth, I don't know how it was during covid here, how all those people who were in hospital coped with their stay (there was also a shortage of beds here and usually the living conditions in hospitals are very miserable), how they have managed financially. I don't know if the state then took over anything, because a stay in a hospital is always expensive, regardless of what diseases or what patients are involved. I hope I never have to go into hospital because I won't be able to afford it. Especially right now I can't afford anything and it terrifies me on top of everything else I'm dealing with.

This is sad. Since you can't change the system, for now, I just hope you get better with those antibiotics or have you considered going back to the first doctor who asked you to visit the next day?

have you considered going back to the first doctor?

Oh no, I don't fall for such cheap tricks to manipulate suffering patients in need. In addition, she was not at all "the right specialist that I need". After two sleepless nights I realized what kind of doctor I needed and today I went there - in the neighboring town. I was incredibly lucky that this specialist had a 10-minute break between two patients and, most importantly, agreed to see me. I couldn't believe it! At the same time, if I had another incident like the previous ones today, it would probably kill me already.
We discussed my Sunday experiences and she said that I don't even need a specialist to make the correct diagnosis for all these specific symptoms - this is something that every doctor, regardless of specialty, should know and easily navigate. What has happened to me is a display of appalling incompetence, and prescribing drugs that are dangerous to health when used improperly - the antibiotic and other specific things that one doctor insisted I use but are dangerous, makes things even scarier.
I told her that these were quite young people and she said to me: Well, I'm not surprised, after covid the medical training went online, all the control and discipline was lost, the practices too, the quality of teaching went down.
Personally, I think that this was one of the goals, or ok, one of the sure consequences of this period - the reduction of the quality of everything. And if you're wondering why in today's modern-technological times we can't receive proper medical care, here's one reason for that. I look forward to the time when AI will replace doctors as well, and they will become a kind of administrative staff to serve it. In fact, in my case on Sunday, the AI ​​probably would have done better than any of the doctors I encountered. I say this ironically, of course, because I am against the use of AI in any sphere of human life.

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