Why do men not account themselves for betraying in any case?

in #steemexclusive19 days ago (edited)

I seriously wonder why?
Men first chase girls
They try to impress them
Then they continue the process and finally propose that girl...
Now when the girl says yes boom the very next moment men start taking her for granted? Despite of knowing the fact that he was the one who fell in love first; he was the one who wanted it badly ;he was the one who made many promises And suddenly after few months together when girl completely relies on them and started truly loving them they just simply go back on their own said words..damn ...woow
There is a one more surprising fact..
These type of men can't handle betrayal when it is done to them.what is the best way to take revenge from such creeps? The word man is just an insulting word in today's time this word has no worth left.
I'll define men in these words

"A slave to lust, wandering aimlessly from street to street, neighborhood to neighborhood, city to marketplace, seeking to satisfy his body's desires—someone who can do anything he wants to make himself happy, and no one will say anything to him. Instead, his every wrong deed will be praised because, after all, he is a MAN."

And when they are caught red handed finally..they don't hold themselves accountable for cheating.They used to say "its psychology of man to not praise the women who is available to them and to chase new ones"
Oh God what a sick mentality like seriously how can a person say such words how can a person think that way..and Now its 2024 still men use such tools to manipulate.

Wandering aimlessly, he makes a fool of himself.
What shit he takes out of this crap?
Does he fulfills his lust his desires by doing so!! Does he feels happy then!!
I'm bot talking about all men but mostly men are like this .I want to say please

"Don’t inflict on someone else's child the cruelty that you can't even imagine happening to your own."

All hearts are beautiful the way they are don't hurt anyone's feelings for lust.be a man of his words man who knows commitment

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