Steem Electrical Business - Official update #20 [8th May, 2024]

Hi friends,

It's another day with another interesting update on Steem electricals. It would interest you to know that Steem electricals have reached another goal few days ago.


This is to inform the entire donor and supporters of Steem solar and electricals that the shop for this business has been paid on Monday being 6th May, 2024.

Inside view

Outside view

The cost of this shop was mention on the previous update and where the fund is coming from is mentioned on @ubongudofot's recent Steem solar diary

This shop is located on the major road which is always very busy, it is also close to the popular water fountain which is in the heart of the city of Uyo.

Necessary arrangements are going on in other to put the shop in good condition for this business. In few days time everything would be fixed.


Amount needed to complete

Additional 1,300 Steem would be needed to kickstart this business.
That means, out of the 1300 Steem we are looking for, we have 944 Steem - which means we would be needing 356 Steem to complete the 1300 Steem in other to kickstart this business ASAP.

This money would be for Painting, putting protectors around for protections( this is compulsory in the environment), shelves for goods stocking and also branding of the Steemit logo. This is a special type of branding, it lights up at nights showcasing Steem logo.

In this regard, 944 Steem was transferred out from this account yesterday by ubongudofot who managed the account. The remaining amount to complete the needed 1300 Steem which is 356 Steem would be paid from ubongudofot's personal account. In other words, the Steem Electricals Business will only be funded through monies collected on my personal @Ubongudofot account.

From now onwards all monies collected on the @steemelectricals account will be used solely for the Schools Solar Lighting projects.

What next?

To help us know what next, it would be better to look at the road map of this business project.

Business legalization/documentation

Renting of business center

Fixing of business center

Purchase of goods/components

Arranging of goods/completion

Public notice for launching

Launching ceremony

I want to use this opportunity to thank all the donors around the world who have contributed their income by sharing part of their rewards to the @steemelectricals account including those who have delegated part of their Steem power to this account in the time past and I also want to thank the steemit team for their support to make this project a success, hopefully, this business would be a reality just very soon., stay tune for more updates!**

(8th May, 2024)

[All graphics owned by me, made with Canva]

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