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RE: Our current orders

in #steemegg3 years ago

I always saw the high delegations and I can't give anything away yet in this order of magnitude. But a start should be made: 30 SP are out...

Ich sah immer die hohen Delegationen und in der Größenordnung kann ich halt noch nix weggeben. Aber ein Anfang soll doch gemacht sein: 30 SP sind raus...


hello, these requests for steem power are not meant to cause u to feel pressured they are kind of just a way to raise awareness Dont go broke to delegate. Thats not the intension. I just want to get people thinking about the possibilities. if we are double the vote payout as bots with 100k sp and were only at 25k... Imagine what it would be like at 100.k

That's how I understood it, don't worry. I just had the mistaken impression that "everyone" was sending very high delegations and that I could hardly make a meaningful contribution. I think the idea is good and can be expanded, and I'm happy to be part of the game as far as I can.

yea dont worry dont go broke to delegate to a service you pay for. I just try to remind people but maybe my problem is im coding 3 different programs right now / also trying to leaning how to code in general / So when i take like a quick 10 min break to check comments and stuff i just rapid fire type stuff out and i forget that many of the users are not native english so maybe some of the little jokes / or the very poor structure of my writing when im in this mode makes it dificult for some to pickup on the tone of my post.

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