Paid votes Still down, If you see me buying votes from other accounts its to test

in #steemegglast year (edited)

I am going to be doing a few purchases from various accounts today.

I am simply testing a few things and building the paid upvote side back up...

I will let you guys know when it is ready for you...

If you notice anything fishy with the witness thing please bring it to my attention, it seems to be going great, but its hard to monitor 400 accounts and make sure everything is working properly...

If you used to get votes every day... and now you dont get any this is the type of thing im talking about =)


Heres a free vote on behalf of @se-witness.

Hey @steemegg, my delegation payout is inaccurate.

okay what do i owe you please stop adding to the delegation we already dont make anough to cover the delegation payouts we cant keep paying more each week please just keep it where it is i have 1000000 things going on i feel like the witness thing is broken again the paid thing is giving me problems ive spend about 100 hours this week alone on this project made 20 bucks and then payed out 40 bucsk to do it... any time were on the way to success the thing starts failing or whatever or people refuse to vote for the witness because the dont want us to have the witness rewards.. like its just a constant uphill battle for 2 hyears we started with 6 k steem and were at 4k steem . its miserable.

im sorry im not trying to complain im just trying to vent

It's all good, just keep it. I thought I was actually helping the situation. Sounds pretty shitty.

Hey sorry I was kind of in the thick of it lastnight lol. you are helping i was just kind of in that dark place lol when everything is going wrong .

@intrepidthinker Hey ive noticed there hasnt been any upvotes for you recently is there any issues on your end? or have you not posted? i havent had much time to check ive been trying to figure this issue out?

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