bot keeps messing up out of the blue please dont send any votes in

in #steemegg2 years ago

I am trying to figure out why the bot keeps just automatically refunding everyone again these little random problems spiking up out of nowhere after 6 months of no issues is really getting old.

Again please dont send in any more votes until it is fixed thanks.


Got some "refunds" will pay them back if You tell me how many .


I think you're making a big mistake giving yourself Up-Votes, when you could have given my post a bigger up-vote... The more you Up-Vote Others, the more you get back... You just lost my business...
March 7, 2022... 5.0 Hollywood Time...

I give myself upvote becuase people like you come in and just get profitable upvotes all day and never delegate so we cant ever grow without giving ourselves some upvotes... please if the idea of anyone else making some money is hard to cope with please stay away

You didn't get my point... The more you're able to give to others, the more you get back in return... You get to keep the 1 Steem, plus the Curation... We hopefully get back the 1 Steem you get to keep, plus a fraction of what you get in Curations... I'm trying to help you and others make more money, not less... Try it out with others and see for yourself... Plus, every time you give yourself a 100% up-vote, it takes two hours to build back up... Again, the less you give, the less you get in return...
March 7, 2022... 11.8 Hollywood Time...

i appreciate your concern... But when we make 3 steem a day giving out 12 steem in votes and then pay 5 steem out in delegation payouts... theres really not much we can do because ever single person Holds us to some extreemly high standard... You complain because it takes us 3 days to give you a vote... then you complain that we gave ourselves an upvote.. how do you ever think we are going to be able to get up.. just stay away from us... if it pisses you off that Steemegg makes 20 steem a week when you probably make thousands of steem a week then please... never use steemEGG again...

I'm trying to point out that you have yourself about 8 100% up-votes in a matter of minutes, that lowered your Voting Power... The lower your Voting Power gets, the less you're able to give to others... The less you give others, the less you get back in return... Why is this so hard for you to understand...???
March 8, 2022... 3.3 Hollywood Time...

just do me a favor and stop using steemegg...

people like you make me want to shut down steemegg for good and just use my money to just get myself money instead of helping others... How many coin accounts do u have that just upvote eachother... how many times do u use those accounts to upvote anyone else... im this close to banning all coin tags from steemegg just because you feel the need to get upset about a profitable vote u selfish piece of dirt

I tried it once, and you FAILED my TEST... In my opinion, you can care less about others... I saw all those up-votes used to bring your Voting Power Down... If you want to see a Selfish Piece of Dirt, just look in the Mirror... I always up others with the highest Voting Power I can give... I'm nothing like you and your other accounts... You accused me of doing what you have been doing...
March 9, 2022... 10.6 Hollywood Time...

I know its easy to just point and say that someone screwed you.. but i literally do everything i can to make this account profitable and payout to other people... i put my own physical money into it and then put more in to try to rent delegation and no matter what everyone just bitches and moans even when the votes are profitable cause thats just how greedy everyone is these days... even if you get 100 bucks and i get 2 bucks you will complain to someone that you didnt get 102 ... so whatever works ...

It sure isn't easy, trying to help someone here... Just try to keep your Voting Power as close to 100% as you can... The more you give, the more you receive in return... All I'm trying to point out, is for you to keep your Voting Power up... I wish you and all those who use your service well...
March 8, 2022... 3.4 Hollywood Time...

Thanks... I got my up-vote...
March 6, 2022... 12.9 Hollywood Time...

...Never mind... I just got it...

@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

ok, that was nearly last second xD

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